SEATTLE, May 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ThriftBooks Global, LLC, the world’s largest online independent used bookseller, has been named the exclusive national used book partner and an official sponsor of Little Free Library® Week 2024 which runs from May 12–18, 2024. The partnership reinforces ThriftBooks’ commitment to fostering community engagement and making literature accessible to all. As part of this collaboration, ThriftBooks will support Little Free Library’s mission to expand book access and inspire readers across the U.S.
With this partnership, ThriftBooks is enhancing community access to literature across the U.S. Throughout the next year, ThriftBooks will donate bundles totaling more than 10,000 books to fill book-sharing boxes across the Little Free Library network. These bundles will be distributed to various Little Free Libraries nationwide, significantly boosting the availability of reading materials in numerous communities.
ThriftBooks is also expanding its support by sponsoring the creation of 15 new Little Free Library boxes. These boxes are part of Little Free Library’s Impact Library Program, which aims to establish no-cost Little Free Library book exchanges in underserved areas where access to books is limited. ThriftBooks will provide an annual supply of diverse, high-quality used books for the program. This initiative promotes literacy and fosters community engagement by making books readily accessible to all, especially in regions where resources are scarce. Through these efforts, ThriftBooks is playing a crucial role in fostering a love for reading and supporting educational growth throughout the country.
Little Free Library Week is a week-long celebration organized by Little Free Library. This event is dedicated to promoting book sharing and accessibility. ThriftBooks’ sponsorship will benefit Little Free Library and their efforts to increase book access and donation programs.
Participants are also encouraged to get involved in various ways, such as sharing a book in a Little Free Library in their community, making a monetary donation, or by sharing pictures via social media of local boxes in their neighborhoods using the hashtag, “#LFLweek.” The initiative is part of the organization’s efforts to build community, inspire readers, and expand book access for everyone through its global network of volunteer-led Little Free Libraries.
“ThriftBooks is thrilled to be the exclusive national used book partner with Little Free Library Week hosted by an organization that shares our passion for books and our belief in the transformative power of reading,” said Barbara Hagen, VP of Sales and Marketing at ThriftBooks. “Providing access to a diverse range of books fuels greater interest in learning. We are proud to contribute to such a vital cause and eagerly anticipate the positive impact our collaboration will have on book lovers everywhere.”
“We are excited to collaborate with ThriftBooks to bring books to more and more communities,” said Greig Metzger, Executive Director at Little Free Library. “Both ThriftBooks and Little Free Library breathe new life into secondhand books, ensuring that these stories find new homes to new readers. This partnership amplifies our core mission of increasing book access, especially for those who might not readily have access to books. Together, we are creating a wide network of literary resources that are both sustainable and accessible, enabling communities everywhere to nurture a love for reading."
For more information about Little Free Library Week and how to participate, please visit:
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About ThriftBooks
ThriftBooks Global LLC is the world’s largest independent online seller of used books, having sold more than 250 million used books since its inception. Founded in Seattle in 2003, ThriftBooks operates multiple processing centers throughout the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and rare/collectible books. ThriftBooks sells across a variety of online platforms, including, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etsy, and others. provides a best-in-class e-commerce shopping experience, as evidenced by its 2024 Best Online Shops recognition, its Best Customer Service award six years in a row, and its 5-star Trustpilot score with more than 1.7 million customer reviews. Customers who shop at enjoy everyday low prices and can earn free books through the company’s much loved loyalty program, ReadingRewards.
About Little Free Library
Little Free Library® (LFL) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that builds community, inspires readers and expands book access for all through a global network of volunteer-led Little Free Library book-sharing boxes. There are more than 180,000 registered Little Free Libraries worldwide in all 50 states, in 121 countries and on all seven continents. Through them, over 400 million books have been shared since 2009. LFL received the 2020 World Literacy Award as well as honors from the Library of Congress, National Book Foundation and others. The organization grants Little Free Libraries full of books to underserved areas through its Impact Library and Indigenous Library programs and champions diverse books through its Read in Color initiative. To learn more, visit
