Ninepoint Publishes 2024 Midyear Outlook for Alternative Investing

TORONTO, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ninepoint Partners LP (“Ninepoint”), one of Canada’s leading alternative investment management firms, today issued a new report entitled “Ninepoint 2024 Midyear Outlook” that outlines alternative investing trends in the first half of the year and looks forward to what to expect in the back half of the 2024 and beyond.

“Canada became the first G7 country to cut interest rates in June, signaling the start of the long-awaited rate cuts investors have been anticipating,” said James Fox and John Wilson, co-CEOs and Managing Partners at Ninepoint Partners. “The biggest questions now on the minds of investors include: will there be further rate cuts, how fast and deep might they be, and will other nations, including the United States, follow suit..”

Key highlights from the report include:

  • Fixed Income: There is a compelling risk-reward opportunity for fixed income investors with bond yields at 20-year highs, the likelihood of further rate cuts and attractive income.
  • Real Assets: With monetary policies expected to ease, interest rates are likely to fall, bond yields should drop and both infrastructure and real estate assets should perform well.
  • Precious Metals: Gold and silver prices have made gains in 2024 with both metals benefiting from easing monetary policy, increased geopolitical tension and central banks buying gold.
  • Energy: Given demand continues to exceed expectations and supply constraints – both voluntary and involuntary – global oil inventory levels are expected to hit all-time lows.
  • Digital Assets: The regulatory headwinds facing the digital assets industry have started to turn into tailwinds and are creating opportunities for investors.
  • Private Credit: The rise in financing costs over the past two years, combined with slowing economic growth, has posed significant challenges for several businesses and created a sizable demand for flexible and creative financing solutions.

To learn more, download the complete whitepaper here: Ninepoint 2024 Midyear Outlook

About Ninepoint Partners LP

Based in Toronto, Ninepoint Partners LP is one of Canada’s leading alternative investment management firms overseeing approximately $7 billion in assets under management and institutional contracts. Committed to helping investors explore innovative investment solutions that have the potential to enhance returns and manage portfolio risk, Ninepoint offers a diverse set of alternative strategies spanning Equities, Fixed Income, Alternative Income, Real Assets, F/X and Digital Assets.

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Longacre Square Partners
Scott Deveau/Kate Sylvester