Brain Power Wellness Staff Reviews Successes and Strengthens Team Dynamics at Annual Retreat

Brain Power Wellness held its annual staff retreat, where team members celebrated, reflected, and engaged in team-building activities, emphasizing the importance of reconnection and collective growth

QUEENS, N.Y., July 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At the end of the 2023/24 school year, the staff at Brain Power Wellness came together for their annual staff retreat - two full days of celebrating, reflecting, evaluating, training and relaxing.

One of the biggest takeaways was the importance of gathering together to reconnect with like-minded colleagues in ways that include play, fun and nature, and getting to know each other better outside the context of work. A few team members reside in states outside of New York; consequently, these annual staff retreats present a unique opportunity for building and strengthening team dynamics and relationships. Indeed, many staff members have expressed interest in coming together three or four times a year.

The retreat began in the BPW headquarters located in Forest Hills, Queens, New York. Following a deeply impactful self-care session, the Brain Power Wellness team reviewed the accomplishments of the past school year. Time was taken to thank each member of the team for their dedication and diligence in providing social emotional wellness training to affiliated schools within and beyond New York, as well as to the company’s other partners, among them Rikers Island Correctional Facility. Additionally, the team practiced dynamic and unique team-building exercises to enhance awareness of individual strengths as well as the power of collective focus.

In looking back on the past school year, each team member and department used a “SWOT” analysis to guide their assessment of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, both as individuals and as members of their respective departments. This led to many collaborative and productive conversations. As Brain Power Wellness reviews, never-ending improvement is one of its core principles.

The day concluded with a lively and delicious meal at a local restaurant on historic Austin Street. The whole staff enjoyed sharing about their personal lives and commending one another’s hard work during the school year, and even took the opportunity to dance together!

On Wednesday, July 3rd, the second and final day, the team enjoyed a sunny day in the New York Botanical Gardens located in the Bronx, where the majority of BPW’s staff live and provide services. Classroom time involved reflection, group sharing, and team dynamics, while ample free time was provided to explore the stunning gardens. Time for socializing with each other as friends was well-balanced with essential team-building practices and activities. In this way, the team was rewarded for past efforts while also being energized for future efforts in the coming school year.

The “SWOT” feedback from the team was overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. What was evident was their journey and growth as individuals and as team members. As an ever-expanding organization, Brain Power Wellness has continued to achieve its goal of enhanced community building and appreciation for the talents and collective wisdom of its staff.

About Brain Power Wellness

Brain Power Wellness (BPW) is a holistic organization committed to creating vibrant and nurturing educational environments in schools. The primary goal of Brain Power Wellness is to transform the culture of educational institutions by promoting personal growth, mindfulness, community unity, immersive retreat experiences, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), comprehensive wellness practices, and cognitive enhancement techniques tailored for educators, students, families, and school leaders. Impressively, BPW's influence has expanded to corporate sectors, and within the prison system of NYC, where teams and individuals now benefit from life-changing retreats and services that provide participants with essential strategies to foster healthy, sustainable, and positive environments.

Media Contact
Name: Rebecca Wheaton
Organization: Brain Power Wellness
Location: Forest Hills, NY
Phone Number: 718-275-8326

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Brain Power Wellness Reviews Annual Retreat