Auction result of Treasury Bills - RIKV 25 0219 - RIKV 25 0521

Series RIKV 25 0219RIKV 25 0521
Settlement Date 11/20/202411/20/2024
Total Amount Allocated (MM) 20,43018,700
All Bids Awarded At (Price / Simple interest) 97.841/8.73095.824/8.620
Total Number of Bids Received 1528
Total Amount of All Bids Received (MM) 26,18032,900
Total Number of Successful Bids 1013
Number of Bids Allocated in Full 1013
Lowest Price / Highest Simple Interest Allocated 97.841/8.73095.824/8.620
Highest Price / Lowest Simple Interest Allocated 97.875/8.58995.908/8.439
Lowest Price / Highest Simple Interest Allocated in Full 97.841/8.73095.824/8.620
Weighted Average of Successful Bids (Price/Simple Interest) 97.851/8.68895.853/8.558
Best Bid (Price / Simple Interest) 97.875/8.58995.908/8.439
Worst Bid (Price / Simple Interest) 97.788/8.94995.650/8.996
Weighted Average of All Bids Received (Price / Simple Interest) 97.845/8.71395.823/8.622
Percentage Partial Allocation (Approximate) 100.00 %100.00 %
Bid to Cover Ratio 1.281.76