New advertising and digital campaign from the Competitive Network Operators of Canada says Canadians are at risk of less choice, less affordable, and less connected internet services should government regulators not intervene
TORONTO, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Local internet service providers are warning Canadians that their services may be less competitive and affordable, without prompt action from federal government regulators.
Ahead of a crucial decision point on February 4th, the Competitive Network Operators of Canada (CNOC) have launched a new digital and social media campaign encouraging Canadians to join the fight to ban the Big Three – TELUS, Bell and Rogers – from entering the internet resale market.
In August 2024, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) delivered a landmark ruling forcing TELUS and Bell to open up their wholesale fibre access to small providers. However, the CRTC also allowed these large players to enter the resale market themselves.
While one of the Big Three companies, TELUS, says this will lead to more competition - it will do the opposite.
The Big Three companies will offer bundled wireless and internet services at attractive prices outside of the traditional operating territories for a time while squeezing smaller regional and independent providers out of the market. Once this brief flurry of “competition” passes, they will return to form, end discounts and hike prices.
Oligopolies are taking advantage of a decision that was designed to benefit new entrants and competitors – not established players like TELUS. The CRTC must act to close this loophole so that Canadians have real choice in the telecommunications market with more options, better service, and fair pricing.
For more information on the Break Free from the Big Three campaign, visit:
For interview requests, please contact:
Kate Harrison, Summa Strategies Canada OR Josie Sabatino, Summa Strategies Canada |