Ørsted køber Brookfield Renewables landvindforretning i Irland og Storbritannien
16 avr. 2021 02h42 HE | Ørsted A/S
I dag har Ørsted indgået en aftale med Brookfield Renewable, som er global ejer og operatør af vedvarende energiaktiver, om at købe selskabets nuværende landvindforretning i Irland og Storbritannien,...
Ørsted acquires Ireland and UK onshore wind power platform from Brookfield Renewable
16 avr. 2021 02h42 HE | Ørsted A/S
Today, Ørsted has entered into an agreement with Brookfield Renewable, a global owner and operator of renewable power assets, to acquire a 100 % equity interest in its existing Ireland and UK onshore...
Ørsted afslutter frasalg af 25% af havvindmølleparken Ocean Wind
12 avr. 2021 17h05 HE | Ørsted A/S
I forlængelse af koncernmeddelelse udsendt 4. december 2020 har Ørsted nu afsluttet frasalget af 25% af havvindmølleparken Ocean Wind til New Jerseys Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG). ...
Ørsted completes divestment of 25% of Ocean Wind Offshore Wind Farm
12 avr. 2021 17h05 HE | Ørsted A/S
Further to our company announcement issued on 4 December 2020, Ørsted has now completed the divestment of 25% of the Ocean Wind Offshore Wind Farm to New Jersey’s Public Service Enterprise Group...
Polen tildeler kontrakter til Baltica-havvindmølleparkerne
07 avr. 2021 13h02 HE | Ørsted A/S
De polske energimyndigheder har tildelt differencekontrakter til havvindmølleparkerne Baltica 3 og Baltica 2 med en samlet kapacitet på op til 2,5 GW. Baltica 3 og 2 vil bidrage væsentligt til Polens...
Poland awards Contract for Difference to the Baltica offshore wind farms
07 avr. 2021 13h02 HE | Ørsted A/S
The Polish Energy Regulatory Office has awarded a Contract for Difference to the Baltica 3 and Baltica 2 offshore wind farms with a total capacity of up to 2.5 GW. Baltica 3 and 2 will contribute...
Norges Bank Investment Management bliver partner i Ørsteds Borssele 1 & 2 Havvindmøllepark
07 avr. 2021 04h55 HE | Ørsted A/S
Ørsted har i dag indgået en aftale med Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), som køber en 50 % ejerandel af Ørsteds Borssele 1 & 2 Havvindmøllepark på 752 MW i Holland. Havvindmølleparken blev...
Ørsted brings in Norges Bank Investment Management as a partner in Borssele 1 & 2
07 avr. 2021 04h55 HE | Ørsted A/S
Today, Ørsted has signed an agreement with Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), who will be acquiring a 50 % ownership share of Ørsted’s 752 MW Borssele 1 & 2 Offshore Wind Farm, which was...
01 avr. 2021 16h37 HE | Ørsted A/S
I henhold til kapitalmarkedslovens § 30, jf. § 38, har The Capital Group Companies, Inc. (CGC), Los Angeles, California, USA 900071-1406, informeret Ørsted A/S (Ørsted), at CGC per 31. marts 2021...
Major shareholder announcement
01 avr. 2021 16h37 HE | Ørsted A/S
Pursuant to Section 30, cf. section 38, of the Danish Capital Markets Act, The Capital Group Companies, Inc. (CGC), Los Angeles, California, USA, has informed Ørsted A/S (Ørsted) that CGC as per 31...