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1075 West Georgia Ltd
27 sept. 2021 14h16 HE | 1075 West Georgia Ltd
ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州バンクーバー発, Sept. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- カナダで最も有名で受賞歴のあるオフィスタワーの1つであるバンクーバーの歴史的建造物、マクミラン・ブローデル (MacMillan Bloedel) ビルディングが、アーサー・エリクソン・プレイス (Arthur Erickson Place)...
Arthur Erickson Place
Historic office tower becomes namesake of legendary architect Arthur Erickson
27 sept. 2021 01h30 HE | 1075 West Georgia Ltd
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In what is considered a rare honour for an architect, Vancouver’s historic MacMillan Bloedel building – one of Canada’s most...
Arthur Erickson Place
Japanese-inspired Canadian building renamed after legendary architect
26 sept. 2021 20h00 HE | 1075 West Georgia Ltd
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In what is considered a rare honour for an architect, Vancouver’s historic MacMillan Bloedel building – one of Canada’s most...
Arthur Erickson Place
Rare Honour: Historic office tower becomes namesake of legendary architect, Arthur Erickson
23 sept. 2021 11h00 HE | 1075 West Georgia Ltd
Free public celebration includes multi-day digital light show on building’s exterior Highlights Once featured in Time magazine, the historic MacMillan Bloedel office tower is being renamed Arthur...