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1075 West Georgia Ltd
27 sept. 2021 14h16 HE
1075 West Georgia Ltd
ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州バンクーバー発, Sept. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- カナダで最も有名で受賞歴のあるオフィスタワーの1つであるバンクーバーの歴史的建造物、マクミラン・ブローデル (MacMillan Bloedel) ビルディングが、アーサー・エリクソン・プレイス (Arthur Erickson Place)...
Historic office tower becomes namesake of legendary architect Arthur Erickson
27 sept. 2021 01h30 HE
1075 West Georgia Ltd
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In what is considered a rare honour for an architect, Vancouver’s historic MacMillan Bloedel building – one of Canada’s most...
Japanese-inspired Canadian building renamed after legendary architect
26 sept. 2021 20h00 HE
1075 West Georgia Ltd
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In what is considered a rare honour for an architect, Vancouver’s historic MacMillan Bloedel building – one of Canada’s most...
Rare Honour: Historic office tower becomes namesake of legendary architect, Arthur Erickson
23 sept. 2021 11h00 HE
1075 West Georgia Ltd
Free public celebration includes multi-day digital light show on building’s exterior Highlights Once featured in Time magazine, the historic MacMillan Bloedel office tower is being renamed Arthur...