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/ C O R R E C T I O N -- 24 Store.com /
20 oct. 1999 09h21 HE | 24store.com
LOS ANGELES and STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 20, 1999 (PRIMEZONE) -- InfiniCom AB (publ.) today announces the approval by the United States Bankruptcy Court located in Santa Ana, California, of the Scoop...
Infinicom AB /24 Store.com Announces Bankruptcy Court Approval of the Acquisition of 24 Store.com by Scoop Inc.
18 oct. 1999 13h42 HE | 24store.com
LOS ANGELES, LONDON, STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 18, 1999 (PRIMEZONE) -- Infinicom AB /24 Store.com (OTCBB:SCPI) (Sweden and United Kingdom) today announces the approval by the United States Bankruptcy...
Infinicom AB /24 Store.com Announces Bankruptcy Court Approval of the Acquisition of 24 Store.com by Scoop Inc.
18 oct. 1999 10h00 HE | 24store.com
LONDON, STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 8, 1999 (PRIMEZONE) -- Infinicom AB /24 Store.com (OTCBB:SCPI) (Sweden and United Kingdom) today announces the approval by the United States Bankruptcy Court, located...
Scoop, Inc. Announces Approval of Bankruptcy Disclosure Statement
09 août 1999 09h01 HE | 24store.com
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 9, 1999, (PRIMEZONE) - On August 4, 1999, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California in Santa Ana, California approved the Bankruptcy Disclosure Statement in...
Scoop, Inc. Announces Signing of Merger Agreement with InfinCom AB and 24STORE.com, Ltd.
26 avr. 1999 09h00 HE | 24store.com
STOCKHOM, Sweden and LOS ANGELES, April 26, 1999 (PRIMEZONE) -- Scoop Inc. (OTCBB: SCPI) today announced the signing of a definitive merger agreement with InfinCom AB and 24STORE.com, Ltd., subject...