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A2 Media
Former Miss Universe Barbara Palacios Keynote Speaker at U.S. Department of Agriculture Hispanic Heritage Month Event
05 oct. 2015 13h35 HE
WASHINGTON, DC--(Marketwired - Oct 5, 2015) - Barbara Palacios, former Miss Universe, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and founder of INSPIRA, was the keynote speaker at the U.S. Department of...
Barbara Palacios Shares Her Beauty Secret: INSPIRA NOVAXATHIN
04 sept. 2015 11h25 HE
MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Sep 4, 2015) - Barbara Palacios, former Miss Universe, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker and one of the most powerful women of 2014 according to PEOPLE magazine has...
Grammy Award-Winning Composer and Producer Kike Santander Combines Music and Health in Latest Project: QiClub
18 août 2015 12h59 HE
MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Aug 18, 2015) - Grammy award-winning composer, producer, author and Doctor in Medicine and Surgery Kike Santander combines his passion for music and health in his latest...
Evento W.o.W. 2015 presenta Desfile de Modas "Will Work for Fashion"
09 mars 2015 20h25 HE
W.o.W. Event
MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Mar 9, 2015) -
El evento W.o.W. (Mujeres del Mundo) celebrará su primera edición en Miami, el 13 de marzo con el Desfile de Modas "Will Work for Fashion", una...
W.o.W. Event 2015 Presents "Will Work for Fashion" Show
09 mars 2015 11h49 HE
W.o.W. Event
MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Mar 9, 2015) - The W.o.W. (Women of the World) event will celebrate its first ever edition in Miami on March 13 with the "Will Work for Fashion" Show, a private showcase...
Primer evento W.o.W. (Women of the World) da inicio en Miami el 12 de marzo de 2015
16 févr. 2015 22h11 HE
W.o.W. Event
MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Feb 16, 2015) -
Las organizadoras del evento anunciaron hoy, que el primer evento W.o.W. (Women of the World – Mujeres del Mundo), está programado para...
First Ever W.o.W. (Women of the World) Event to Kick Off in Miami on March 12, 2015
16 févr. 2015 14h10 HE
W.o.W. Event
MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Feb 16, 2015) - Event organizers today announced the first ever W.o.W. (Women of the World) event is scheduled to take place right here in Miami -- an unparalleled...
Fiesta filántropa "Amigas Groove for the Cure" a beneficio de Susan G. Komen Miami/Ft. Lauderdale
22 oct. 2013 14h12 HE
Miami Fashion Trends
MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Oct 22, 2013) - La primera fiesta "Amigas Groove for the Cure" en la historia tendrá lugar el sábado, 2 de noviembre en la Miami Tower y promete ser un evento de...
"Amigas Groove for the Cure" Charity Event to Benefit Susan G. Komen Miami/Ft. Lauderdale
22 oct. 2013 14h12 HE
Miami Fashion Trends
MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Oct 22, 2013) - The first ever "Amigas Groove for the Cure" will take place Saturday, November 2 at the Miami Tower and promises to be an unforgettable fundraiser to raise...
Televisa Publishing + Digital dio inicio al Mes de la Herencia Hispana con la 8ª Cumbre Anual de Liderazgo Hispano
12 sept. 2013 18h39 HE
Televisa Publishing + Digital
MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Sep 12, 2013) -
Las revistas Vanidades y PODER Hispanic dieron inicio hoy al Mes de la Herencia Hispana con la 8ª Cumbre Anual de Liderazgo Hispano. La conferencia...