AFRY signs Memorandum of Understanding on biomass project in Papua New Guinea to progress the development of renewable energy in the region
17 déc. 2019 05h00 HE
AFRY News, 17 December 2019, 11am CET Oil Search, one of Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) largest companies and investors, together with AFRY, and the Climate Change and Development Authority of Papua New...
ÅF Pöyry valittu St1:n suunnittelukumppaniksi uuden biojalostamon investointiprojektiin Ruotsin Göteborgiin
04 nov. 2019 04h00 HE
Pöyry Oyj
ÅF Pöyry Lehdistötiedote 4.11.2019 klo 11:00 (EET) ÅF Pöyry on saanut toimeksiannon St1:ltä liittyen uuden biojalostamon investointihankkeeseen. Göteborgiin rakennettava jalostamo on St1:n...
ÅF Pöyry selected as St1’s engineering partner in a new renewable fuel production unit investment project in Gothenburg, Sweden
04 nov. 2019 04h00 HE
Pöyry Oyj
ÅF Pöyry Press release 4 November 2019 at 10:00 (CET) St1 has awarded ÅF Pöyry with engineering assignment for a new renewable fuel production unit investment project. The new plant will be built in...
Pöyry PLC: Roland Lorenz wird neuer Leiter der Management Consulting Division und Mitglied der ÅF Pöyry Konzernleitung
09 oct. 2019 09h06 HE
Pöyry Oyj
Roland Lorenz wird neuer Leiter der Management Consulting Division und Mitglied der ÅF Pöyry Konzernleitung Roland Lorenz wurde am 1.10.2019 zum Executive Vice President (EVP) in der...
Pöyry shares best practices in world’s first thermal power plant operations and management body of knowledge
16 sept. 2019 04h00 HE
Pöyry Oyj
AF Pöyry Press Release 16 September 2019 10:00 (CET) Pöyry, together with JERA and the Electricity Generating Authority in Thailand (EGAT) recently launched the Power Plant Operations and...
Pöyry PLC: Changes in Group Management
11 sept. 2019 03h00 HE
Pöyry Oyj
Changes in Group Management ÅF PÖYRY Press Release September 11, 2019 at 10:00 am (EET) Roland Lorenz has been named successor to Martin à Porta as EVP and Head of ÅF Pöyry Management Consulting...
Pöyrylle toimeksianto EPCM-palveluista Star-projektiin Lençóis Paulistassa, Brasiliassa
27 août 2019 02h00 HE
Pöyry Oyj
Pöyry Lehdistötiedote 27.8.2019 klo 9.00 Tehdaslaajennus tulee kasvattamaan sellun tuotantoa nykyisestä 250 000 tonnista peräti 1,5 miljoonaan tonniin vuodessa. Pöyry on saanut Bracellilta...
Pöyry awarded EPCM services assignment for the Star Project in Lençóis Paulista (SP), Brazil
27 août 2019 02h00 HE
Pöyry Oyj
Pöyry Press Release 27 August 2019 at 09:00 (EEST) Plant expansion will increase pulp production from current 250,000 tons up to 1.5 million tons per year. Bracell has awarded Pöyry with an EPCM...
Juuso Pajunen, 37, nimitetty ÅF Pöyryn talousjohtajaksi
12 juil. 2019 05h00 HE
Pöyry Oyj
Pöyry Finland Oy Lehdistötiedote 12.7.2019 klo 12:00 Ruotsalainen suunnittelu- ja konsultointiyritys ÅF Pöyry työllistää yli 16 000 asiantuntijaa ympäri maailman. Pajunen on toiminut Pöyryn...
Pöyry PLC: ÅF has gained title to the minority shares in Pöyry and the shares in Pöyry will delist from Nasdaq Helsinki
25 juin 2019 06h45 HE
Pöyry Oyj
Pöyry PLC Stock Exchange Release June 25, 2019 at 13:45 (EEST) This stock exchange release may not be released, published or otherwise distributed, in...