- Slides from a presentation to the market
18 nov. 2008 06h49 HE
Alfesca hf.
These are the slides used at a presentation to investors, analysts and the
media, given on 18 November 2008 when Alfesca published its Q1 results.
- Robust results in difficult environment
17 nov. 2008 19h03 HE
Alfesca hf.
• Net Sales €125.2 million down 2.5% (up 1.7% on pro forma basis)
• EBITDA €6.4 million, down 11% against last year (up 12.5% on pro forma basis)
• Quarterly results impacted by...
- Traust afkoma í erfiðu umhverfi
17 nov. 2008 19h03 HE
Alfesca hf.
Helstu atriði
• Nettósala nam 125,2 milljónum evra sem er 2,5% samdráttur miðað við sama tíma
í fyrra en salan á samanburðargrundvelli (pro forma basis) jókst um 1,7%
• EBITDA nam 6,4 milljónum...
- Alfesca moves presentation of Q1 results ahead
14 nov. 2008 13h16 HE
Alfesca hf.
Alfesca will publish its results for the first quarter of the financial year
2008-09 (July - Sept) on Tuesday, 18 November, before the markets open and not
after the markets close as was previously...
- Kynningu á afkomu fyrsta ársfjórðungs flýtt
14 nov. 2008 13h16 HE
Alfesca hf.
Alfesca mun birta rekstrarniðurstöður fyrir fyrsta ársfjórðung rekstrarársins
2008-2009 (júlí - sept) þriðjudaginn 18. nóv. nk. fyrir opnun markaða sem er
nokkru fyrr en áður var auglýst.
- Annual General Meeting - 1:00 pm on Tuesday 18 November 2008
11 nov. 2008 11h40 HE
Alfesca hf.
Annual General Meeting
1:00 pm on Tuesday 18 November 2008
Grand Hotel, Reykjavík, Iceland
The board of directors of Alfesca hf. submits the following proposals for
consideration at the annual...
- Aðalfundur haldinn 18. nóvember nk. kl. 13:00
11 nov. 2008 11h40 HE
Alfesca hf.
Þriðjudaginn 18. nóvember 2008, kl. 13.00
Grand Hotel, Reykjavík, Sigtúni 28, Reykjavík
Félagsstjórn Alfesca hf. leggur eftirfarandi tillögur fyrir aðalfund félagsins
þann 18....
- Presentation of Q1 Results
10 nov. 2008 14h54 HE
Alfesca hf.
Alfesca will publish its results for the first quarter of the financial year
2008-09 (July - Sept) on 18 Nov. 2008 after the markets close.
A meeting for investors, analysts and the media, hosted...
- Kynning á afkomu fyrsta ársfjórðungs
10 nov. 2008 14h54 HE
Alfesca hf.
Alfesca mun birta rekstrarniðurstöður fyrir fyrsta ársfjórðung rekstrarársins
2008-2009 (júlí - sept) miðvikudaginn 18. nóv. nk. eftir lokun markaða.
Opinn kynningarfundur fyrir fjárfesta,...
- Alfesca not affected significantly by the Icelandic financial crises
05 nov. 2008 12h30 HE
Alfesca hf.
The recent financial crises impacting economies across the globe have been
particularly severe for Iceland.
Whilst Alfesca is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stock Exchange in Iceland, the