Beijer Electronics and Mitsubishi Electric part ways
12 juin 2015 03h00 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
After more than thirty years of cooperation, Mitsubishi Electric and Beijer Electronics have decided to part ways, this due to marked differences between the companies’ respective strategies going...
Beijer Electronics utser ny VD och koncernchef
12 mai 2015 04h00 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
Styrelsen i Beijer Electronics AB (publ) har utsett Per Samuelsson (57) till ny VD och koncernchef. Per Samuelsson har sedan 16 år haft motsvarande befattning inom Strålfors -koncernen. Strålfors var...
New CEO and President appointed in Beijer Electronics
12 mai 2015 04h00 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
The Board of Directors of Beijer Electronics AB (publ) has appointed Per Samuelsson (57) as new CEO and President. Per Samuelsson has for 16 years held a similar position within the Strålfors group....
Beijer Electronics' Annual Report 2014
05 mai 2015 09h02 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
Industrial automation product launches and a new data communication growth plan was the focus of the company during the past year. More information about this is available in Beijer Electronics' 2014...
Kommuniké från årsstämma i Beijer Electronics AB (publ)
23 avr. 2015 02h00 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
Beijer Electronics årsstämma för verksamhetsåret 2014 ägde rum onsdagen den 22 april 2015. Årsstämman beslutade i samtliga föreslagna ärenden i enlighet med styrelsens och valberedningens förslag. Här...
Report from Annual General Meeting in Beijer Electronics AB (publ)
23 avr. 2015 02h00 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
Beijer Electronics’ Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2014 was held on Wednesday April 22, 2015. The AGM adopted all resolutions presented by the Board of Directors and Nomination...
Interim report January-March 2015: Q1 in line with last year—strong growth in IDC
22 avr. 2015 07h00 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
· Order intake was 343.5 MSEK (354.7). · Net sales increased by 2% to 351.8 MSEK (346.1). · A record quarter for IDC. · Operating profit up by 2% to 26.7 MSEK (26.2). · Profit after tax was...
Delårsrapport januari-mars 2015: Ett kvartal i linje med föregående år – stark utveckling inom IDC
22 avr. 2015 07h00 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
· Orderingången uppgick till 343,5 mkr (354,7). · Nettoomsättningen steg med två procent till 351,8 mkr (346,1). · Rekordkvartal för IDC. · Rörelseresultatet ökade med två procent till 26,7...
Conference call on Interim Report January-March 2015
21 avr. 2015 10h03 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
Beijer Electronics AB (publ) releases its interim report for January-March 2015 tomorrow, Wednesday April 22, at 1.00 p.m. CET. In connection to this, a conference call will be held for press and...
Telefonkonferens i samband med Delårsrapport januari-mars 2015
21 avr. 2015 10h03 HE | Beijer Electronics AB
Beijer Electronics AB (publ) offentliggör sin delårsrapport för januari-mars 2015 i morgon, onsdagen den 22 april kl 13.00. I samband med detta arrangeras en telefonkonferens för press och...