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Biocartis Group NV
Persbericht Biocarti
Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Group NV brengt een update rond de publicatie van haar jaarverslag en de jaarlijkse algemene vergadering
09 mai 2024 01h00 HE | Biocartis Group NV
BIOCARTIS GROUP NV (Euronext Brussels: BCART) PERSBERICHT - GEREGULEERDE INFORMATIE - 09 mei 2024, 07:00 CEST Biocartis Group NV brengt een update rond de publicatie van haar jaarverslag en de...
Press release Biocar
Press release Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Group NV provides an update regarding the publication of its annual report and the annual meeting
09 mai 2024 01h00 HE | Biocartis Group NV
BIOCARTIS GROUP NV (Euronext Brussels: BCART) PRESS RELEASE - REGULATED INFORMATION - 09 May 2024, 07:00 CEST Biocartis Group NV provides an update regarding the publication of its annual report and...
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Press release Biocartis Group NV: Disclosure of transparency notification (Article 14, first paragraph, of the Act of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of major shareholdings)
10 janv. 2024 17h00 HE | Biocartis Group NV
BIOCARTIS GROUP NV (Euronext Brussels: BCART) PRESS RELEASE - REGULATED INFORMATION - 10 January 2024, 23:00 CET Disclosure of transparency notification (Article 14, first paragraph, of the...
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Press release Biocartis Group NV: Disclosure of transparency notification (Article 14, first paragraph, of the Act of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of large shareholdings)
10 janv. 2024 17h00 HE | Biocartis Group NV
BIOCARTIS GROUP NV (Euronext Brussels: BCART) PRESS RELEASE - REGULATED INFORMATION - 10 January 2024, 23:00 CET Disclosure of transparency notification (Article 14, first paragraph, of the Act of...
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Press release Biocartis Holdings Inc.: Recapitalization completed and product portfolio expansion
22 nov. 2023 04h00 HE | Biocartis NV
PRESS RELEASE - 22 November 2023, 10:00 CET BIOCARTIS HOLDINGS INC. RECAPITALIZATION COMPLETED AND PRODUCT PORTFOLIO EXPANSION The recapitalization of Biocartis was completed last week,...
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Press release Biocartis NV: Biocartis Hosts Corporate Workshop and Announces Seven Idylla™ Abstracts to be Presented at AMP 2023 Annual Meeting
13 nov. 2023 01h00 HE | Biocartis NV
PRESS RELEASE - 13 November 2023, 07:00 CET Biocartis Hosts Corporate Workshop and Announces Seven Idylla™ Abstracts to be Presented at AMP 2023 Annual Meeting Mechelen, Belgium and Itasca (IL),...
Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Mededeling betreffende uitwinning door gewaarborgde schuldeisers
31 oct. 2023 10h55 HE | Biocartis NV
PERSBERICHT - GEREGULEERDE INFORMATIE - 31 oktober 2023, 15:30 CET MEDEDELING BETREFFENDE UITWINNING DOOR GEWAARBORGDE SCHULDEISERS De Secured Creditors van de onderneming hebben hun zekerheid op de...
Press release Biocartis Group NV: Announcement regarding Enforcement by Secured Creditors
31 oct. 2023 10h55 HE | Biocartis NV
PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATION 31 October 2023, 15:30 CET ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING ENFORCEMENT BY SECURED CREDITORS The Company’s Secured Creditors have enforced their security over the shares of...
Persbericht Biocarti
Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Vier abstracts, die uitstekende resultaten voor Idylla™ tonen, worden gepresenteerd op het European Society of Molecular Oncology (ESMO) congres
20 oct. 2023 01h00 HE | Biocartis NV
PERSBERICHT 20 oktober 2023, 7:00 CEST Vier abstracts, die uitstekende resultaten voor Idylla™ tonen, worden gepresenteerd op het European Society of Molecular Oncology (ESMO) congres Mechelen,...
Press release Biocar
Press release Biocartis Group NV: Four Abstracts Showing Excellent Data for Idylla™ Presented at European Society of Molecular Oncology Congress (ESMO)
20 oct. 2023 01h00 HE | Biocartis NV
PRESS RELEASE 20 October 2023, 07:00 CEST Four Abstracts Showing Excellent Data for Idylla™ Presented at European Society of Molecular Oncology Congress (ESMO) Mechelen, Belgium, 20 October 2023 –...