Biotage utser valberedning
18 oct. 2016 03h00 HE
Biotage AB
En valberedning bestående av aktieägarrepresentanter och styrelseordförande, har
bildats för Biotage AB. Valberedningens uppgifter ska vara att inför årsstämma
2017 förbereda val av ordförande och...
Biotage appoints Nomination Committee
18 oct. 2016 03h00 HE
Biotage AB
A Nomination Committee consisting of shareholder representatives and the
Chairman of the Board of Directors has been formed for Biotage AB. The
Nomination Committee shall, before the Annual General...
Biotage investerar i rening av biomolekyler
31 août 2016 09h00 HE
Biotage AB
Biotage AB (BIOT.ST) offentliggör idag att bolaget investerar 15 MDKK i
utveckling av produkter för rening av biomolekyler genom teckning av
nyemitterade aktier i det danska bolaget Chreto...
Biotage invests in biomolecule purification
31 août 2016 09h00 HE
Biotage AB
Biotage AB (BIOT.ST) today announces that the company invests 15 MDKK into the
biomolecule area through the subscription of new shares in the Danish company
Chreto Aps.
Biomolecules is one of the...
Interim report January - June 2016
11 août 2016 02h30 HE
Biotage AB
Second quarter
· Net sales amounted to 162.9 MSEK (148.1), an increase by 10.0 percent
compared to the corresponding quarter last year. At comparable exchange rates
sales increased by 11.1...
Delårsrapport januari-juni 2016
11 août 2016 02h30 HE
Biotage AB
Andra kvartalet
· Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 162,9 MSEK (148,1), vilket är en ökning med
10,0 procent jämfört med motsvarande kvartal föregående år. Till jämförbara
valutakurser ökade...
Biotage AB (publ) – board member Anders Walldov leaves his assignments
01 juin 2016 03h00 HE
Biotage AB
Anders Walldov, member of the Board of Directors, sold his and with him related
companies’ entire shareholding in Biotage on 17 May 2016.
Anders Walldov will keep his assignments as a Board Member and...
Biotage AB (publ) – styrelseledamoten Anders Walldov lämnar sina uppdrag
01 juin 2016 03h00 HE
Biotage AB
Styrelseledamoten Anders Walldov har per den 17 maj 2016 avyttrat samtliga av
honom och närstående bolag ägda aktier i Biotage AB.
Anders Walldov kommer att lämna sitt styrelseuppdrag efter...
Biotage AB launches share buy-back
29 avr. 2016 03h00 HE
Biotage AB
The board of directors of Biotage AB (publ) has resolved to start a share buy
-back program in accordance with the Annual General Meeting’s resolution to
authorize the board to decide on the...
Resolutions at the Annual General Meeting in Biotage AB on April 28, 2016
29 avr. 2016 03h00 HE
Biotage AB
At the Annual General Meeting held in Biotage AB (Reg. No. 556539-3138) on April
28, 2016, the following resolutions were passed, among others.
Appropriation of the company’s result
The General...