Design unveiled for new federal courthouse in Huntsville
24 févr. 2021 19h05 HE | Fentress Architects
Atlanta, GA, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ATLANTA—The U.S. General Services Administration unveiled design renderings for the new federal courthouse in Huntsville, Alabama, in partnership with...
Fentress Global Challenge 2021 Invites Students to Envision the Airport of the Future
15 févr. 2021 13h32 HE | Fentress Architects
Denver, CO, USA, Feb. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fentress Architects, a global design firm that specializes in the creation of innovative, award-winning public architecture, is pleased to announce...
Fentress Architects
Fentress Architects Ranked Among Top Architecture Firms in the Nation
28 janv. 2021 13h09 HE | Fentress Architects
Denver, Colorado, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fentress Architects, a global design firm pursuing the creation of inspired public architecture, has ranked as one of the top architecture firms...
Pengumuman Pemenang Kompetisi Desain Pelajar Bandara Masa Depan 2020
12 nov. 2020 04h51 HE | Fentress Architects
DENVER, Nov. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Green Gateway—hub multimodal tanpa emisi yang sangat berkelanjutan—telah dinobatkan sebagai pemenang Fentress Global Challenge (FGC) 2020, kompetisi...
Pemenang Pertandingan Reka Bentuk Pelajar Global Lapangan Terbang Masa Depan 2020 Diumumkan
12 nov. 2020 04h51 HE | Fentress Architects
DENVER, Nov. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Green Gateway—hab multimod pengeluaran sifar dan mampan—telah dinamakan sebagai pemenang bagi Fentress Global Challenge (FGC) 2020, pertandingan reka...
미래의 공항 제안하는2020 글로벌 학생 디자인 대회 수상작 발표
12 nov. 2020 04h51 HE | Fentress Architects
덴버, Nov. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 연례 글로벌 학생 디자인 대회인 2020 Fentress Global Challenge (FGC) 최우수 수상작으로 제로 이미션에 고도로 지속 가능한 복합운송 허브를 제안한 The Green Gateway가 선정되었다. 이 대회는 공공 건축 분야에서 혁신 디자인을 선도하는...
12 nov. 2020 04h51 HE | Fentress Architects
デンバー発, Nov. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 2020年のフェントレス国際チャレンジ (Fentress Global Challenge、FGC) の受賞作が決定し、「グリーンゲートウェイ (Green Gateway) — ゼロエミッションで持続可能性の高いマルチモーダルハブ」が大賞に選ばれた。FGCは、フェントレスアーキテクツ (Fentress...
《2020 年未來機場全球學生設計大賽》優勝者公佈
12 nov. 2020 04h51 HE | Fentress Architects
丹佛, Nov. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 零排放、高度可持續的多式聯運樞紐「綠色門戶」已獲 2020 年「Fentress 全球挑戰賽」(FGC) 評為獲獎者,這個始於 2011 年的年度全球學生設計比賽由 Fentress Architects 舉辦,代表公司對推進公共建築創新設計的承諾及藉此吸引世界各地的學生。 展望未來的機場來自超過 15...
12 nov. 2020 04h51 HE | Fentress Architects
丹佛, Nov. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 零排放、高度可持续多式联运枢纽“绿色门户”被评为2020年Fentress Global Challenge(FGC)的优胜者,这项挑战赛是Fentress Architects在2011年发起的年度全球学生设计比赛,代表了该公司致力于推动公共架构创新设计的承诺,吸引了世界各地的学生。 ...
01 First Place_Green Gateway_Aerial
Airport of the Future Global Student Design Competition 2020 Winners Announced
11 nov. 2020 01h00 HE | Fentress Architects
DENVER, Nov. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Green Gateway—a zero-emission, highly sustainable multimodal hub—has been named the winner for the 2020 Fentress Global Challenge (FGC), an annual...