Canadians Guess the Giller at the Giller Light Bash for literacy
19 nov. 2018 08h58 HE
Frontier College
Toronto, Nov. 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the literary elite converge on the Scotiabank Giller Prize Gala tonight, over 1,700 Canadian book lovers will gather at Giller Light Bash events across...
Frontier College launches free literacy camps in 110 Indigenous communities this summer
25 juin 2018 09h05 HE
Frontier College
TORONTO, June 25, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- “I can keep this book? For real?” The wide-eyed response from an 8-year-old child living in a fly-in First Nations community is not unusual. As the school...
Improve Canadians’ health by investing in literacy
16 mai 2018 09h00 HE
Frontier College
Winnipeg, May 16, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On May 17, Frontier College—Canada’s original literacy organization—hosts the National Forum on Literacy and Health. The panel of experts from the fields...
Bay Street’s Best Play SCRABBLE for Literacy
06 mars 2018 08h59 HE
Frontier College
TORONTO, March 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On March 7, Arcadian Court in Toronto will be filled with hundreds of tiles that spell words including L-I-T-E-R-A-C-Y as Bay Street’s fiercest wordsmiths...
Canadians across the country supporting literacy through the Scotiabank Giller Light Bash
17 nov. 2017 08h29 HE
Frontier College
Toronto, Nov. 17, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On November 20, over 1,500 Canadian book lovers will gather to learn which author will win the 2017 Scotiabank Giller Prize at Scotiabank Giller Light Bash...
Collège Frontière offrira des camps de littératie à 8 000 enfants des communautés des Premières nations, métisses et inuites cet été
21 juin 2017 08h30 HE
Frontier College
TORONTO, June 21, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- La fin de l’année scolaire approche à grands pas et Collège Frontière, l’organisme national d’alphabétisation, se prépare à aider de nombreux jeunes à...
Frontier College launches free literacy camps to 8,000 First Nation, Métis, and Inuit children this summer
21 juin 2017 08h30 HE
Frontier College
TORONTO, June 21, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the school year draws to an end, national literacy organization Frontier College is preparing to keep young minds active over the summer. Beginning in...