On Changes to the Composition of the JSC “GE Money Bank” Board
20 mai 2011 10h04 HE
GE Money Bank
JSC “GE Money Bank” (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) Supervisory Council resolved:
To elect Jurita Brunava as the member of the Board of the Bank for 5 (five) years, starting from...
Par izmaiņām AS „GE Money Bank” valdes sastāvā
20 mai 2011 10h04 HE
GE Money Bank
AS „GE Money Bank” (turpmāk tekstā Banka) padome nolēmj:
Ievēlēt Juritu Brunavu par Bankas valdes locekli uz 5 (pieciem) gadiem, nosakot pilnvaru sākuma termiņu no 2011.gada...
Neauditētie AS “GE Money Bank” 2011. gada 1. ceturkšņa finanšu rezultāti
15 avr. 2011 11h04 HE
GE Money Bank
Viens no GE Money Bank galvenajiem stratēģiskajiem mērķiem šogad, tāpat kā pērn ir garantēt mūsu klientiem Bankas drošību un stabilitāti. Tādēļ pirmajā ceturksnī bankas darbība bija vērsta uz to,...
JSC “GE Money Bank” un-audited financial results 1st quarter 2011
15 avr. 2011 11h04 HE
GE Money Bank
One of the main strategic goals this year as in previous year is ensuring Bank’s security and stability to its customers. Therefore our focus still is high capital adequacy and liquidity, a healthy...
Audited annual report 2010 of AS "GE Money Bank"
29 mars 2011 12h53 HE
GE Money Bank
Dear customers, partners, shareholders and colleagues,
In 2010 despite challenging macro-economic banking...
AS "GE Money Bank" auditētais 2010.gada finanšu pārskats
29 mars 2011 12h53 HE
GE Money Bank
Vadības ziņojums par Bankas darbību 2010. gadā
Cienījamie klienti, sadarbības partneri, akcionāri un kolēģi,
AS “GE Money Bank” (turpmāk tekstā “Banka”) 2010. gadā,...
Par AS “GE Money Bank” akcionāru kārtējās sapulces lēmumiem
28 mars 2011 11h52 HE
GE Money Bank
2011. gada 28. martā plkst.15.00 tika slēgta AS “GE Money Bank” akcionāru kārtējā sapulce, kurā tika izskatīti visi dienas kārtībā iekļautie jautājumi un pieņemti šādi lēmumi:
1. Sabiedrības...
On AS “GE Money Bank” general shareholder meeting resolutions
28 mars 2011 11h52 HE
GE Money Bank
The general AS „GE Money Bank” shareholder meeting was closed at 15.00 p.m. on March 28, 2011, during which all items included in the agenda were reviewed and the following resolutions...
“GE Money Bank” ķīlu zīmju ienākuma likmes
25 mars 2011 10h07 HE
GE Money Bank
“GE Money Bank” ķīlu zīmju ienākuma likmes
GE Money Bank 5YR EUR
ISIN: LV0000800373
GADA PROCENTU LIKME: periodam no 2011.gada 1. aprīļa līdz 2011.gada 30. septembrim (ieskaitot) –...
“GE Money Bank” bond income rate
25 mars 2011 10h07 HE
GE Money Bank
“GE Money Bank” bond income rate
GE Money Bank 5YR EUR
ISIN: LV0000800373
Annual Interest rate: period from April 1, 2011 till September 30, 2011(including) -...