Glitnir Bank announces financials results for 1H 2008 on August 1 - NOTE changed time
31 juil. 2008 04h30 HE | Glitnir banki hf.
An English version of the presentation will be available at on the morning of Friday August 1st from 7:30 a.m. (8:30 GMT). Presentation in Reykjavík, Iceland and webcast Lárus...
Sérvarin skuldabréf Glitnis
17 juil. 2008 06h33 HE | Glitnir banki hf.
GLITNIR BANKI HF. Kirkjusandur 2 155 Reykjavík Ísland (the "Issuer") ISK 100,000,000,000 Covered Bond Programme (the "Programme") Series 1 ISK 45,100,000,000 Inflation Linked Covered Bonds due...
Glitnir Banki hf. Company Announcement Covered Bond Programme
17 juil. 2008 04h00 HE | Glitnir banki hf.
GLITNIR BANKI HF. Kirkjusandur 2 IS-144 Reykjavík Iceland (the "Issuer") ISK 100,000,000,000 Covered Bond Programme (the "Programme") Series 1 ISK 45,100,000,000 Inflation Linked Covered Bonds due...
Glitnir kynnir uppgjör annars ársfjórðungs 2008
16 juil. 2008 10h19 HE | Glitnir banki hf.
Eftirfarandi kynningar og símafundir verða haldnir í tengslum við afkomu Glitnis á 2. ársfjórðungi 2008. Hægt verður að nálgast uppgjörið á heimasíðu bankans frá og með kl...
Glitnir announces financial results for Q2 2008
16 juil. 2008 10h19 HE | Glitnir banki hf.
Glitnir will host the following presentations and webcasts in connection with the publication of the Group's results for the first half of 2008. An English version of the ...
- New Money Market listing (GLB 08 0902) admitting to trading 15 July 2008
15 juil. 2008 05h27 HE | Glitnir banki hf.
Issuer: Glitnir banki hf. ID 550500-3530 Kirkjusandi 2 155 Reykjavík Date of admission: 15.07.2008 Symbol: GLB 08 0902 ISIN-code: IS0000016145 Orderbook ID: 57114 Bond...