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Hanover Company
Hanover Diridon Apartments in San Jose CA Named 2021 Mixed Use Project of the Year
21 sept. 2021 11h21 HE
Hanover Company
SILICON VALLEY, Calif., Sept. 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Texas-based developer Hanover Company’s latest completed project in the San Francisco Bay Area, Hanover Diridon, is a winner in the...
Hanover Company Announces Hanover Little Italy Apartments in San Diego Now Leasing
29 juil. 2021 12h05 HE
Hanover Company
SAN DIEGO, July 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Houston-based developer Hanover Company is excited to announce leasing of its brand-new Hanover Little Italy apartments in San Diego, CA is now open,...
Hanover Opens VIP Waitlist for Two New Multifamily Properties in Houston’s Autry Park
17 juin 2021 09h03 HE
Hanover Company
HOUSTON, June 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Houston-based developer Hanover Company is set to begin preleasing two new, refined apartment communities under construction as part of Autry Park, a vast...