Icelandair: Updated guidance – net profit still expected for the full year 2023
13 sept. 2023 15h39 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
The management accounts of Icelandair Group for July and August have now been finalized. The accounts demonstrate strong financial performance of the Company’s passenger and leasing operations with...
Leiðrétting: Icelandair: Breyting á verulegum hlut atkvæðisréttar
13 sept. 2023 09h08 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
Leiðrétting: Fjöldi hluta hefur verið leiðréttur.__________________________________________ Meðfylgjandi er flöggunartilkynning frá Íslandsbanka hf. þar sem staðfest er að sameiginlegt atkvæðamagn...
Correction: Icelandair: Major Shareholder Announcement
13 sept. 2023 09h08 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
Correction: The number of voting rights has been corrected. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attached is a major shareholder...
Icelandair: Breyting á verulegum hlut atkvæðisréttar
12 sept. 2023 13h14 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
Meðfylgjandi er flöggunartilkynning frá Íslandsbanka hf. þar sem staðfest er að sameiginlegt atkvæðamagn Íslandsbanka hf. og sjóða í stýringu Íslandssjóða hf. í Icelandair Group hf. nemur...
Icelandair: Major Shareholder Announcement
12 sept. 2023 13h14 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
Attached is a major shareholder announcement from Íslandsbanki hf. confirming that the combined number of voting rights of Íslandsbanki hf. and funds managed by Íslandssjóðir hf. in Icelandair Group...
Icelandair: Yfir 20% fjölgun farþega það sem af er ári
06 sept. 2023 14h11 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
Icelandair flutti 547 þúsund farþega í ágústmánuði og hefur flutt tæpar þrjár milljónir farþega það sem af er ári, 21% fleiri en á sama tímabili í fyrra. Sumarmánuðirnir þrír, júní, júlí og ágúst eru...
Icelandair Traffic Data: Over 20% increase in the number of passengers to date
06 sept. 2023 14h11 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
Icelandair transported 547 thousand passengers in August and has transported around three million passengers in the first eight months of 2023, 21% more than in the same period last year. In June,...
Icelandair: Changes in Organizational Structure
30 août 2023 12h58 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
Icelandair has decided to streamline its organizational structure to facilitate stronger performance. The Customer and Revenue divisions will be combined into a single Commercial division, bringing a...
Icelandair: Traffic Data July 2023
08 août 2023 12h13 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
Icelandair transported 567 thousand passengers in July 2023, a 7% increase compared to July last year. This is the highest number of passengers carried in one month since July 2019, when passengers...
Icelandair: Presentation of Q2 2023 financial results
21 juil. 2023 05h39 HE
Icelandair Group hf.
Attached is the presentation of Q2 2023 financial results.
Q2 2023 Market