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Icelandair Group hf.
Correction: Date of Transaction: 17 September 2020
18 sept. 2020 15h46 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
Attached is corrected information regarding the transaction of a financially connected party of a primary insider in Icelandair Group’s share offering. Attachment 2009017...
Date of Transaction: 18 September 2020
17 sept. 2020 22h33 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
Attached is information regarding a transaction between a primary insider and a  financially connected party.   Attachments 201809 Bogi Nils - Sala ...
Date of Transaction: 18 September 2020
17 sept. 2020 22h21 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
Attached is information regarding a transaction between financially connected parties of a primary insider. Attachments 201809 Mánaþing ehf - Kaup ...
Date of Transaction: 17 September 2020
17 sept. 2020 22h06 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
Attached is information regarding transactions of board members and senior managers, along with their financially connected parties, in Icelandair Group‘s share offering. Attachments ...
Substantial oversubscription in Icelandair Group’s share offering
17 sept. 2020 20h17 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
Icelandair Group’s public offering ended at 16:00 on 17 September 2020. In the offering ISK 20 billion new shares were offered for sale. The offering was oversubscribed by 85% with strong demand from...
Icelandair Group hf.: Government Guaranteed Credit Facility Finalized
15 sept. 2020 04h31 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
As previously announced, a government guarantee for a credit facility has been approved by the Icelandic Parliament. The Company has now completed final documentation with Íslandsbanki, Landsbankinn...
Correction: Icelandair Group hf.: Updated Information Memorandum
10 sept. 2020 11h03 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
Attached is the updated Information Memorandum regarding the upcoming offering of new shares in Icelandair Group. The IM was initially published on 18 August 2020 and an update was provided on 4...
Icelandair Group hf.: Updated Information Memorandum
09 sept. 2020 19h46 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
Attached is the updated Information Memorandum ("IM") regarding the upcoming offering of new shares in Icelandair Group. The IM was initially published on 18 August 2020 and an update was provided on...
Icelandair Group hf.: Presentation shareholder meeting 22 May 2020
09 sept. 2020 12h46 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
The following items on the agenda were agreed to at the Icelandair Group hf.’s shareholders'  meeting on 9 September 2020: Attachment Shareholder meeting 090920 ...
Icelandair Group hf.: Results of Shareholders‘ Meeting
09 sept. 2020 12h42 HE | Icelandair Group hf.
The following items on the agenda were agreed to at the Icelandair Group hf.’s shareholders'  meeting on 9 September 2020: Proposals: A proposal to grant the board authorization to increase...