- Dagsetning viðskipta 8.1.2008
08 janv. 2008 08h49 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker:
Nafn útgefanda/Issuer:
Icelandic Group hf.
Dagsetning tilkynningar/Date of announcement:
8. janúar 2008
Nafn fruminnherja/Name...
- Date of transaction 8.1.2008
08 janv. 2008 08h49 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker:
Nafn útgefanda/Issuer:
Icelandic Group hf.
Dagsetning tilkynningar/Date of announcement:
8. janúar 2008
Nafn fruminnherja/Name...
- Icelandic USA selur verksmiðjuhúsnæði og tæki í Cambridge, Maryland, og birgðir og vörumerki Ocean to Ocean í Bandaríkjunum
02 janv. 2008 10h50 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Icelandic USA seldi þann 31. desember 2007 verksmiðjuhúsnæði sitt og tæki í
Cambridge, Maryland. Engin starfsemi hefur verið í húsnæðinu síðan í júní 2007
þegar öll framleiðslan var flutt á einn...
- Icelandic USA sold the production facility and related equipment in Cambridge USA as well as Ocean to Ocean inventory in the USA and related USA trademarks.
02 janv. 2008 10h50 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Icelandic USA Inc. sold on December 31, 2007 the production facilities and
related equipment in Cambridge, Maryland. No production has been in the
facilities since June 2007, when the production of...
-Letter of Intent on the sale of 81% of Icelandic Group´s share in Icelandic Holding Germany cancelled
14 déc. 2007 04h49 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Icelandic Group plc. and Finnbogi A. Baldvinsson have reached an agreement to
cancel the letter of intent on the sale of 81% share of Icelandic Holding
Germany, the parent company of Pickenpack...
-Viljayfirlýsingu um sölu á 81% af eignarhlut Icelandic Group hf. í Icelandic Holding Germany hefur verið afturkölluð
14 déc. 2007 04h49 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Icelandic Group hf. og Finnbogi A. Baldvinsson hafa komist að samkomulagi um að
afturkalla viljayfirlýsingu um sölu á 81% eignarhlut í Icelandic Holding
Germany, móðurfélagi Pickenpack Hussmann &...
- Björgólfur resigns as CEO of Icelandic Group
14 déc. 2007 04h29 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Björgólfur Jóhannsson, CEO of Icelandic Group plc., has resigned his position.
Björgólfur has been the CEO of the organisation since March 2006. The Board of
Icelandic Group has negotiated...
- Björgólfur hættir sem forstjóri Icelandic Group
14 déc. 2007 04h29 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Björgólfur Jóhannsson forstjóri Icelandic Group hefur sagt starfi sínu lausu.
Björgólfur hefur gegnt starfi forstjóra félagsins frá því í mars 2006. Stjórn
Icelandic hefur samið við Björgólf um...
- Date of transaction 23.11.2007
26 nov. 2007 04h26 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker:
Nafn útgefanda/Issuer:
Icelandic Group hf
Dagsetning tilkynningar/Date of announcement:
Nafn fjárhagslega tengds...
- Dagsetning viðskipta 23.11.2007
26 nov. 2007 04h26 HE
Icelandic Group hf.
Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker:
Nafn útgefanda/Issuer:
Icelandic Group hf
Dagsetning tilkynningar/Date of announcement:
Nafn fjárhagslega tengds...