Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Årsrapport
24 mars 2010 11h27 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Selskabets resultat for 2009 blev et overskud på 287 tkr., hvilket er som forventet i henhold til halvårsmeddelelsen for 2009. Selskabets egenkapital udgør 10.376 tkr. pr. 31. december 2009. ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Financial Statement Release
24 mars 2010 11h25 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S' pre-tax profit for 2009 came to DKK 382,000 while the post-tax profit stood at DKK 287,000, which meets the expectations stated in the interim report for the first six...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, årsregnskabsmeddelelse
24 mars 2010 11h25 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S' resultat for 2009 er et overskud før skat på 382 tkr. og et overskud efter skat på 287 tkr, hvilket er som forventet i henhold til halvårsmeddelelsen for 2009. ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, rentefixing
18 mars 2010 11h46 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
I forbindelse med fastsættelse af kupon for den kommende rente periode kan vi meddele, at kuponrenten er fastsat til: Start dato: 22-03-2010 (inklusiv) Slut dato: 21-06-2010...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Fixing of Coupon
18 mars 2010 11h46 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
In connection with the determination of the coupons for the following interest period we can inform that the coupons will be as follows. Start date: 22-03-2010 (inclusive) End date: ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Calculation of Final Price Notice
05 mars 2010 10h00 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Following the Credit Event of CIT Group Inc informed to Noteholders on 4 November 2009; Nordea Bank Danmark A/S as Calculation Agent of the Notes III has calculated the Final Price for the mentioned...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Calculation of Final Price Notice
18 févr. 2010 10h45 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Following the Credit Event of CIT Group Inc informed to Noteholders on 4 November 2009; Nordea Bank Danmark A/S as Calculation Agent of the Notes II has calculated the Final Price for the mentioned...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Finanskalender
27 janv. 2010 04h05 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Der kan hermed på vegne af Kalmar Structured Finance A/S oplyses, at selskabet forventes at offentliggøre årsrapport og årsregnskabsmeddelelse onsdag den 24. marts 2010, samt at selskabets...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Financial Calendar
27 janv. 2010 04h05 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
On behalf of Kalmar Structured Finance A/S please be informed that the company expects to publish its annual report and preliminary announcement of annual report on Wednesday 24 March 2010. The annual...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Credit Event Notice
06 janv. 2010 09h46 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S, acting as the Arranger of the above mentioned issue, has on 6 January 2010 become aware of an occurrence of a Credit Event (as defined in the Offering Circular) concerning the...