Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, rentefixing
24 sept. 2009 08h20 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
I forbindelse med fastsættelse af kupon for den kommende rente periode kan vi meddele, at kuponrenten er fastsat til: Start dato: 28-09-2009 (inklusiv) Slut dato: 29-12-2009...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Fixing of Coupon
24 sept. 2009 08h20 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
In connection with the determination of the coupons for the following interest period we can inform that the coupons will be as follows. Start date: 28-09-2009 (inclusive) End date:...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, rentefixing
17 sept. 2009 07h57 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
I forbindelse med fastsættelse af kupon for den kommende rente periode kan vi meddele, at kuponrenten er fastsat til: Start dato: 21-09-2009 (inklusiv) Slut dato: 21-12-2009 (eksklusiv) Fondskode:...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Fixing of Coupon
17 sept. 2009 07h57 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
In connection with the determination of the coupons for the following interest period we can inform that the coupons will be as follows. Start date: 21-09-2009 (inclusive) End date: 21-12-2009...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, halvårsmeddelelse
28 août 2009 10h47 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Bestyrelsen i Kalmar Structured Finance A/S har i dag godkendt halvårsrapport for perioden 1. januar til 30. juni 2009. Periodens resultat var i overensstemmelse med det forventede. ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Interim Report
28 août 2009 10h47 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
The Board of Directors in Kalmar Structured Finance A/S has today approved the interim report for the period 1 January to 30 June 2009. The result for the first six months of 2009 was as expected. ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, halvårsrapport
28 août 2009 10h42 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Bestyrelsen i Kalmar Structured Finance A/S har i dag godkendt halvårsrapport for perioden 1. januar til 30. juni 2009. Periodens resultat var i overensstemmelse med det forventede. ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Calculation of Final Price Notice
31 juil. 2009 09h02 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Following the Credit Event of Idearc Inc. (formerly part of Verizon Global Funding Corp.) informed to Noteholders the 3rd April 2009; Nordea Bank Danmark A/S as Calculation Agent of the Notes II has...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Fixing of Coupon
25 juin 2009 09h27 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
In connection with the determination of the coupons for the following interest period we can inform that the coupons will be as follows. Start date: 29-06-2009 (inclusive) End date: ...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, rentefixing
25 juin 2009 09h27 HE | Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
I forbindelse med fastsættelse af kupon for den kommende rente periode kan vi meddele, at kuponrenten er fastsat til: Start dato: 29-06-2009 (inklusiv) Slut dato: 28-09-2009...