KIT – Issue of share
KIT – Issue of shares under share incentive program
01 juin 2023 13h28 HE | Kitron ASA
(2023-06-01) Reference is made to Kitron ASA's previous disclosures regarding its share incentive program. Kitron has received exercise notices from the participants in the share incentive program and...
Kitron: Ex utbytte N
Kitron: Ex utbytte NOK 0,50 i dag
02 mai 2023 01h00 HE | Kitron ASA
Aksjene i Kitron ASA noteres ex utbytte NOK 0,50 fra og med i dag, 02.05.2023 Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12 ...
Kitron: Ex dividend
Kitron: Ex dividend NOK 0.50 today
02 mai 2023 01h00 HE | Kitron ASA
The shares in Kitron ASA will be traded ex dividend NOK 0.50 as from today, 02.05.2023. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities...
Kitron ASA - Notific
Kitron ASA - Notification of Primary insider transaction
28 avr. 2023 08h51 HE | Kitron ASA
(2023-04-28) The primary insider Kristoffer Asklöv, COO of Kitron ASA, has today acquired 5,000 shares at a price of NOK 40.35. Primary insider notification pursuant to the market abuse regulation...
Kitron: Avholdt ordi
Kitron: Avholdt ordinær generalforsamling 2023
28 avr. 2023 06h00 HE | Kitron ASA
(2023-04-28) Kitron ASA avholdt ordinær generalforsamling 28. april 2023. 99 850 940 aksjer, som utgjør 50,5 prosent av aksjekapitalen, var representert på generalforsamlingen. Alle forslag ble...
Kitron: Minutes from
Kitron: Minutes from Annual General Meeting 2023
28 avr. 2023 06h00 HE | Kitron ASA
(2023-04-28) Kitron ASA held its Annual General Meeting on 28 April 2023. 99 850 940 shares, amounting to 50,5 per cent of the share capital, were represented at the meeting. All proposals were...
Kitron: Nøkkelinform
Kitron: Nøkkelinformasjon knyttet til foreslått kontantutbytte for Kitron ASA
28 avr. 2023 04h40 HE | Kitron ASA
* Utbyttebeløp: NOK 0,50 per aksje * Annonsert valuta: NOK * Siste dag inklusive: 28. april 2023* Ex-dato: 2. mai 2023 * Record date (eierregistreringsdato): 3. mai 2023* Betalingsdato: På eller...
Kitron: Key informat
Kitron: Key information relating to the cash dividend to be paid by Kitron ASA
28 avr. 2023 04h40 HE | Kitron ASA
* Dividend amount: NOK 0.50 per share * Declared currency: NOK * Last day including right: 28 April 2023 * Ex-date: 2 May 2023 * Record date: 3 May 2023 * Payment date: On or about 18 May 2023 *...
Kitron: Q1 2023 - Re
Kitron: Q1 2023 - Rekordresultater og styrkede utsikter
28 avr. 2023 01h00 HE | Kitron ASA
(2023-04-28) Kitron rapporterer i dag resultater for første kvartal som viser rekordnivåer for inntekter og overskudd. Utsiktene for 2023 justeres opp på grunn av sterk etterspørsel og ytterligere...
Kitron: Q1 2023 - Re
Kitron: Q1 2023 - Record performance and strengthened outlook
28 avr. 2023 01h00 HE | Kitron ASA
(2023-04-28) Kitron today reported first-quarter results showing record levels for revenue and profits. The outlook for 2023 is lifted due to strong demand and further easing of supply constraints. ...