12 kuu auditeerimata vahearuanne
31 août 2009 09h40 HE | Luterma
KOMMENTAAR MAJANDUSTEGEVUSELE 1. Üldinfo Vastavalt Harju maakohtu...
Changes in subsidiaries management bodies
26 août 2009 09h59 HE | Luterma
AS Luterma subsidiary AS Kalev Chocolate Factory supervisory board removed Kati Kusmin from companies' management starting from 1st of September 2009. Mait Nilson will remain as a member of the...
Muudatused tütarettevõtjate juhtorganites
25 août 2009 02h34 HE | Luterma
AS Luterma tütarettevõtja AS-i Kalev Chocolate Factory nõukogu kutsus ettevõtja juhatusest alates 1. septembrist 2009 a. tagasi Kati Kusmini. Juhatuse liikmena jätkab Mait Nilson, kelle volitused...
AS Alta Foods has pledged part of the disputable claim
24 août 2009 04h53 HE | Luterma
Alta Capital Partners S.C.A SICAR and AS Alta Foods notified AS Luterma that on 24th of January 2009 they concluded a contract by which AS Alta Foods pledged to OÜ Ahtri Maja 50% of the unrecognized...
AS Alta Foods on pantinud osa vaidlusalusest nõudest
21 août 2009 09h01 HE | Luterma
Alta Capital Partners S.C.A SICAR ja AS Alta Foods teatasid AS-ile Luterma, et 24. jaanuaril 2009 a. sõlmiti kokkulepe, millega AS Alta Foods pantis OÜ-le Ahtri Maja 50 % suuruse osa oma AS-i...
Arbitration award
19 août 2009 10h00 HE | Luterma
On July 20, 2009 arbitrators Sven Papp and Erik Nerep made an award in AS Alta Foods and AS Luterma dispute by which AS Luterma has to return to AS Alta Foods 6 million euros (93,9 million kroons). AS...
AS Alta Foods assigned part of the disputable claim
19 août 2009 09h58 HE | Luterma
AS Luterma received a notice from OÜ Dalton Eesti (entered into commercial registry on 27th of July 2009) representative which informs that AS Alta Foods has partially assigned the disputable claim of...
AS Alta Foods loovutas osa vaidlusalusest nõudest
18 août 2009 08h59 HE | Luterma
AS Luterma sai OÜ Dalton Eesti (äriregistrisse kantud 27.07.2009) esindajalt teate, millega informeeritakse AS-i Luterma vaidlusaluse 6 miljoni euro (93,9 miljonit krooni) suuruse nõude osalisest...
Vahekohtu otsus
22 juil. 2009 09h49 HE | Luterma
20. juulil 2009 a. tegid vahekohtunikud Sven Papp ja Erik Nerep AS-i Alta Foods ja AS-i Luterma vahelises vaidluses otsuse, millega kohustati AS-i Luterma tagastama AS-ile Alta Foods 6 miljonit eurot...
Merger of Tere AS and OÜ Põlva Piim Tootmine
14 juil. 2009 09h30 HE | Luterma
Harju county court register department made an entry of merger on Tere AS registry card on basis of Tere AS and OÜ Põlva Piim Tootmine merger on conclusion of merger agreement on 14 Apr 2009. The...