MAPFRE lizenziert Risk Explorer(TM) von Ultimate Risk Solutions
07 mars 2012 17h06 HE
Ultimate Risk Solutions
MADRID, SPAIN--(Marketwire - Mar 7, 2012) -
MAPFRE S.A., die größte spanische Versicherungsgesellschaft, hat Risk Explorer(TM), die Software für dynamische Finanzanalyse (DFA) und...
MAPFRE signe un contrat de licence avec Ultimate Risk Solutions pour l'utilisation de Risk Explorer(TM)
07 mars 2012 13h36 HE
Ultimate Risk Solutions
MADRID, ESPAGNE--(Marketwire - Mar 7, 2012) -
David O'Gorman, Directeur général d'Ultimate Risk Solutions (URS) pour l'Espagne, le Portugal et l'Amérique latine, a annoncé que...
MAPFRE Licenses Risk Explorer(TM) From Ultimate Risk Solutions
07 mars 2012 11h47 HE
Ultimate Risk Solutions
MADRID, SPAIN--(Marketwire - Mar 7, 2012) - MAPFRE S.A., Spain's largest insurer, has licensed Risk Explorer™, the Dynamic Financial Analysis (DFA) software and a suite of other products from...
O Grupo MAPFRE licencia o Risk Explorer(TM) e outros produtos da Ultimate Risk Solutions
06 mars 2012 11h02 HE
Ultimate Risk Solutions
MADRID, SPAIN--(Marketwire - Mar 6, 2012) -
A MAPFRE S.A., a maior companhia de seguros de Espanha, licenciou o Risk Explorer(TM), um software de análise financeira dinâmica (Dynamic...
MAPFRE Group obtiene licencia de Risk Explorer(TM) y otros productos de Ultimate Risk Solutions
06 mars 2012 09h00 HE
Ultimate Risk Solutions
MADRID, ESPAÑA--(Marketwire - Mar 6, 2012) -
MAPFRE S.A., la mayor aseguradora de España, obtiene licencia de Risk Explorer(TM), el software de Análisis Financiero Dinámico...
MAPFRE Group licencia Risk Explorer(TM) e outros produtos da Ultimate Risk Solutions
06 mars 2012 09h00 HE
Ultimate Risk Solutions
MADRID, SPAIN--(Marketwire - Mar 6, 2012) -
MAPFRE S.A., a maior seguradora da Espanha, licenciou o Risk Explorer(TM), o software Dynamic Financial Analysis (DFA) e uma suíte de outros...
MAPFRE Group Licenses Risk Explorer(TM) and Other Products From Ultimate Risk Solutions
06 mars 2012 09h00 HE
Ultimate Risk Solutions
MADRID, SPAIN--(Marketwire - Mar 6, 2012) - MAPFRE S.A., Spain's largest insurer, has licensed Risk Explorer™, the Dynamic Financial Analysis (DFA) software, and a suite of other products from...
NCA Group Enters International Commercial Loss Adjusting Market With Formation of PWP International
05 mars 2012 14h58 HE
NCA Group
INDIANAPOLIS, IN--(Marketwire - Mar 5, 2012) - NCA Group announced today that it has partnered with industry veterans Ray Pawlak, Andrew Whitfield, Martin Wright and Iain MacBean to form PWP...
U.S. RE Introduces New Product to Identify Cost Drivers in Reinsurance
13 févr. 2012 11h31 HE
U.S. RE Corporation
PEARL RIVER, NY--(Marketwire - Feb 13, 2012) - U.S. RE Corporation has introduced a new product, U.S. RE Risk Manager, a web-based portal that enables insurers to better manage profitability by...
GAO Report Cites Need for Congress to Update Liability Risk Retention Act
12 janv. 2012 12h51 HE
National Risk Retention Association
WASHINGTON, DC--(Marketwire - Jan 12, 2012) - The Government Accountability Office (GAO)
report issued this week cites the need to update the Liability Risk
Retention Act of 1986 (LRRA) but does...