Mowi ASA (OSE: MOWI): Department of Justice USA has closed its investigation
18 janv. 2023 02h50 HE | Mowi ASA
With reference to stock notice 14 November 2019. Mowi has been informed by the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice in the USA that they have no longer an open investigation into Mowi....
Mowi ASA (OSE:MOWI): Q4 2022 Trading update
16 janv. 2023 00h30 HE | Mowi ASA
Harvest volumes Q4 2022 (1) Farming Norway87.0 thousand tonnesFarming Scotland10.5 thousand tonnesFarming Chile18.5 thousand tonnesFarming Canada11.0 thousand tonnesFarming Ireland0.5 thousand...
Mowi (OSE: Mowi): Ac
Mowi (OSE: Mowi): Acquisition of 51.28% of the shares in Arctic Fish completed
29 déc. 2022 06h00 HE | Mowi ASA
With reference to the stock exchange announcements on 31 October 2022 and 23 December 2022, and acquisition of 51.28% of the shares in Arctic Fish. Mowi is pleased to announce that the acquisition of...
Mowi (OSE: Mowi): Ar
Mowi (OSE: Mowi): Arctic Fish update: EU Commission approval
23 déc. 2022 02h00 HE | Mowi ASA
With reference to stock exchange announcement on 31 October 2022 and acquisition of 51.28% of the shares in Arctic Fish. Mowi is pleased to announce that we have obtained approval from the EU...
Mowi (OSE:MOWI): Sha
Mowi (OSE:MOWI): Share purchase program for employees in Mowi
01 déc. 2022 09h23 HE | Mowi ASA
The Board of Directors of Mowi ASA (the "Company") has resolved to offer all permanent employees in the Company and its Norwegian, Scottish and Canadian subsidiaries the opportunity to purchase shares...
Mowi ASA: Eks. utbyt
Mowi ASA: Eks. utbytte NOK 1,70 i dag
18 nov. 2022 00h30 HE | Mowi ASA
Aksjene i Mowi ASA noteres eks. utbytte på NOK 1,70 fra og med i dag 18. november 2022. Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12. ...
Mowi ASA: Ex-dividen
Mowi ASA: Ex-dividend NOK 1.70 today
18 nov. 2022 00h30 HE | Mowi ASA
The shares in Mowi ASA will be traded ex-dividend of NOK 1.70 as from today 18 November 2022. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian...
Mowi ASA (OSE: MOWI): Quarterly dividend
09 nov. 2022 00h31 HE | Mowi ASA
The Board of Mowi ASA has resolved on 8 November 2022 to make a quarterly distribution to shareholders of NOK 1.70 per share in the form of an ordinary dividend. Mowi ASA’s shares listed on the Oslo...
Rekordkvartal for Mo
Rekordkvartal for Mowi overskygget av famøst skatteforslag
09 nov. 2022 00h30 HE | Mowi ASA
(Bergen, 9. november 2022) Mowi rapporterte rekordhøye inntekter i tredje kvartal på 1 257 millioner euro. Selskapet oppnådde et operasjonelt driftsresultat på 240 millioner euro, sammenlignet med 131...
Yet another record-b
Yet another record-breaking quarter for Mowi, overshadowed by infamous tax proposal
09 nov. 2022 00h30 HE | Mowi ASA
(Bergen, 9 November 2022) Mowi recorded record-high revenues of 1 257 million euros in the third quarter of 2022. Operational profit was 240 million euros, compared with 131 million euros in the...