New Report Finds California Ocean Biodiversity at Risk from Set Gillnet Fishery
17 avr. 2023 14h23 HE
Oceana, Inc.
MONTEREY, Calif., April 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Oceana and Turtle Island Restoration Network (TIRN) released a report finding that the set gillnet fishery targeting California halibut...
Fisheries Subsidies from Wealthy Nations Disproportionately Harm Poorer Countries, New Study Finds
05 avr. 2023 08h00 HE
Oceana, Inc.
WASHINGTON, D.C., April 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- New Oceana-supported research, published in Marine Policy, finds harmful fisheries subsidies from wealthy nations like China, Spain, and the...
Oceana Applauds Panama’s Bold Commitment to Reduce Plastic Pollution at 8th Annual Our Ocean Conference in Panamá
02 mars 2023 19h16 HE
Oceana, Inc.
CIUDAD DE PANAMÁ, Panamá, March 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the 8th annual Our Ocean conference got underway in Panama City this week, Panama’s Ministry of Environment announced bold...
Report: Amazon’s plastic packaging waste jumped 18% to 709 million pounds in 2021
15 déc. 2022 01h00 HE
Oceana, Inc.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Oceana released a new report “The Cost of Amazon’s Plastic Denial on the World’s Oceans” revealing that Amazon, the largest retailer in the...
Laut neuer Analyse von Oceana verbirgt sich 411 Mio. USD schwere Blauhai- Industrie hinter der Thunfischerei
12 déc. 2022 09h16 HE
Oceana, Inc.
WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Eine neue von Oceana in Auftrag gegebene Studie zeigt, dass Schiffe, die zum Fischfang in den Gewässern der regionalen Fischereiorganisationen...
Une nouvelle étude d'Oceana révèle que la pêche au thon masque une industrie du requin bleu de 411 millions de dollars américains
12 déc. 2022 09h16 HE
Oceana, Inc.
WASHINGTON, 12 déc. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Une nouvelle étude commanditée par Oceana révèle que les navires autorisés à pêcher dans les eaux des organisations régionales de gestion des pêches...
Nova análise da Oceana descobre que a pescaria de atum está mascarando US $ 411 milhões da indústria de tubarões azuis
12 déc. 2022 09h16 HE
Oceana, Inc.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Um novo estudo solicitado pela Oceana revela que as embarcações autorizadas a pescar nas águas das organizações regionais de gestão da pesca do atum...
Analisis Oceana Baharu Mendapati Perikanan Tuna Menutup Industri Jerung Biru USD $411 Juta
12 déc. 2022 09h16 HE
Oceana, Inc.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kajian baharu yang ditauliahkan oleh Oceana mendedahkan bahawa kapal yang dibenarkan untuk menangkap ikan di perairan organisasi pengurusan perikanan...
オセアナ (Oceana) の新しい分析により、マグロ漁業における 4 億 1,100 万ドル (約562億670 万円) のヨシキリザメ産業の隠蔽が発覚
12 déc. 2022 09h16 HE
Oceana, Inc.
ワシントン発, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- オセアナが新たに委託した 調査 によると、カツオ・マグロ類の地域漁業管理機関 (RFMO) の水域で漁業を許可され、主要なサメ漁業を運営している船舶が、4億1100万ドル (約560億円) 相当の水揚げ価値のある巨大なヨシキリザメ (Prionace glauca)...
新的 Oceana 分析發現金槍魚漁業掩蓋了 4.11 億美元的大青鯊產業
12 déc. 2022 09h16 HE
Oceana, Inc.
華盛頓, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 一項由 Oceana 委託開展的新研究顯示,獲得授權在指定金槍魚區域漁業管理組織(下稱「RFMO」)水域捕魚的船隻正在大規模開展鯊魚漁業,支撐著價值 4.11 億美元的大型大青鯊(藍鯊)商業漁業。這項史無前例的分析表明,大青鯊的捕撈價值超過了三大標誌性藍鰭金槍魚漁業的捕撈價值。報告證實,大青鯊佔全球報告的鯊魚捕撈量的...