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Olympic Entertainment Group AS
OEG: Taotlus noteerimise lõpetamiseks
12 nov. 2018 08h31 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Täna, 12.11.2018 esitas Olympic Entertainment Group AS-i (OEG) juhatus Nasdaq Tallinna börsi noteerimis- ja järelvalvekomisjonile taotluse OEG aktsiate noteerimise viivitamatuks lõpetamiseks. Corey...
OEG: Application for termination of listing
12 nov. 2018 08h31 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Today, on 12.11.2018 the management board of Olympic Entertainment Group AS (OEG) submitted the application for the immediate termination of listing of OEG shares to the Nasdaq Tallinn Listing and...
Olympic Entertainment Group teatab muudatustest juhatuses, Corey Plummer’ist saab uus tegevjuht
05 nov. 2018 01h58 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group („OEG“) teatas täna, et ettevõtte nõukogu on otsustanud nimetada Hr. Corey Plummer OEG uueks juhatuse liikmeks ning tegevjuhiks („CEO“). Ümberkorralduse tagajärjel lahkub...
Olympic Entertainment Group announces changes to Management Board, Corey Plummer to become new CEO
05 nov. 2018 01h58 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group (“OEG”) announces today that its Supervisory Board has appointed Corey Plummer to the Management Board as Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) effective immediately. As part of...
OEG: Konsolideeritud auditeerimata majandustulemused 3. kvartal ja 9 kuud 2018
25 oct. 2018 02h00 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS-i 3. kvartali ja 9 kuu 2018 auditeerimata konsolideeritud majandustulemused on kättesaadaval Nasdaq Tallinn kodulehel ning Olympic Entertainment Group AS-i...
OEG: Consolidated unaudited results for Q3 and 9 months of 2018
25 oct. 2018 02h00 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
The consolidated unaudited results of Olympic Entertainment Group AS for Q3 and 9 months of 2018 are available at the website of Nasdaq Tallinn and at the website of Olympic Entertainment Group...
OEG: Aktsiaselts Trigon Asset Management võttis OEG vastu esitatud hagi tagasi
23 oct. 2018 01h00 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Aktsiaselts Trigon Asset Management (Trigon) esitas 22. oktoobril 2018 Harju Maakohtule avalduse, milles võttis tagasi 6. juulil 2018 kohtule esitatud hagi Olympic Entertainment Group AS-i (OEG) vastu...
OEG: Aktsiaselts Trigon Asset Management withdrew the claim submitted against OEG
23 oct. 2018 01h00 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
On 22 October 2018, Trigon Asset Management (Trigon) filed an application to Harju County Court, withdrawing the action filed to the court on 6 July 2018 against Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) and...
OEG: Ainuaktsionäri otsus OEG ühendamiseks Odyssey Europe AS-iga
12 oct. 2018 09h44 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS („OEG“) informeerib ainuaktsionär Odyssey Europe AS-i („Odyssey“) poolt otsuse vastuvõtmisest, millega kiideti heaks OEG kui ühendatava ühingu ühinemine Odyssey’ga kui...
OEG: Resolution of the sole shareholder to merge OEG into Odyssey Europe AS
12 oct. 2018 09h44 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS (“OEG“) hereby informs of resolution by its sole shareholder Odyssey Europe AS (“Odyssey”) approving the merger of OEG as the transferring company with and into Odyssey...