OEG: Vähemusaktsionäridele kuuluvate aktsiate ülevõtmise lõpuleviimine
12 oct. 2018 03h55 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS (OEG) teatab, et vähemusaktsionäridele kuuluvate aktsiate ülevõtmine on lõpeleviidud. Ülevõtmise tulemusena kuuluvad 100% OEG aktsiatest (v.a. oma aktsiad) Odyssey...
OEG: Completion of takeover of shares belonging to minority shareholders
12 oct. 2018 03h55 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS (OEG) announces of completion of takeover of shares belonging to minority shareholders. As a result of the takeover, 100% of OEG shares (excluding own shares) belong to...
OEG: vähemusaktsionäridele kuuluvate aktsiate ülevõtmine
11 oct. 2018 05h47 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS (OEG) on esitanud Nasdaq CSD SE Eesti filiaalile avalduse vähemusaktsionäride aktsiate ülekandmiseks põhiaktsionär, Odyssey Europe AS-ile (Põhiaktsionär) hüvitise eest...
OEG: takeover of shares belonging to minority shareholders
11 oct. 2018 05h47 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS (OEG) has filed an application with Nasdaq CSD SE Estonian branch to transfer the shares belonging to the minority shareholders to the majority shareholder Odyssey...
OEG ärisegmentide auditeerimata hasartmängutulud 2018. aasta 3. kvartal ja 9 kuud
11 oct. 2018 02h00 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Ärisegmentide hasartmängutulud enne hasartmängumakse (miljonites eurodes) III kv 2018III kv...
OEG’s operating segments unaudited gaming revenues for the Q3 and 9 months of 2018
11 oct. 2018 02h00 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Gaming revenues before gaming taxes by operating segments (in EUR millions) Q3 2018Q3...
OEG: Aktsionäride erakorralise üldkoosoleku otsus
10 sept. 2018 12h42 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Täna, 10. septembril 2018.a toimus Hilton Tallinn Park konverentsikeskuses aadressil Kreutzwaldi 23, Tallinn, Eesti, OLYMPIC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP AS-i (edaspidi OEG) aktsionäride erakorraline...
OEG: Decision of the extraordinary general meeting
10 sept. 2018 12h42 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of OLYMPIC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP AS (OEG) was held today, on 10 September 2018, at the Conference centre of Hilton Tallinn Park (Kreutzwaldi 23,...
OEG esitas Harju Maakohtule vastuse aktsiaselts Trigon Asset Management hagile ning vastuhagi kahju hüvitamiseks
05 sept. 2018 15h09 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS (OEG) esitas vastuse Harju Maakohtule aktsiaselts Trigon Asset Management (Trigon) hagiavalduse alusel alustatud tsiviilasjas OEG vastu. OEG palub kohtul jätta Trigoni...
OEG responded to Harju County Court in relation to action from Trigon Asset Management and submitted a counterclaim for compensation of damages
05 sept. 2018 15h09 HE
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Olympic Entertainment Group AS (OEG) has responded to Harju County Court in relation to the civil proceedings commenced on the basis of an action from Trigon Asset Management (Trigon). OEG requests...