CORRECTION: "PATA Saldus" JSC Revised Annual report for the year 2016
02 mai 2017 10h24 HE | PATA Saldus
„PATA Saldus” JSC has submitted its Revised Annual report for the year 2016, please refer to the attachment. The core businesses of the commercial company are logging and primary wood processing –...
CORRECTION: AS PATA Saldus revidēts gada pārskats par 2016. gadu
02 mai 2017 10h24 HE | PATA Saldus
AS "PATA Saldus" iesniedz revidētu gada pārskatu par 2016. gadu Komercsabiedrības saimnieciskās darbības pamatnozares ir mežizstrāde un koksnes pirmējā apstrāde – zāģmateriālu ražošana. Veicot...
AS PATA Saldus revid
AS PATA Saldus revidēts gada pārskats par 2016. gadu
02 mai 2017 02h52 HE | PATA Saldus
AS "PATA Saldus" iesniedz revidētu gada pārskatu par 2016. gadu Komercsabiedrības saimnieciskās darbības pamatnozares ir mežizstrāde un koksnes pirmējā apstrāde – zāģmateriālu ražošana. Veicot...
"PATA Saldus" JSC Re
"PATA Saldus" JSC Revised Annual report for the year 2016
02 mai 2017 02h52 HE | PATA Saldus
„PATA Saldus” JSC has submitted its Revised Annual report for the year 2016, please refer to the attachment. The core businesses of the commercial company are logging and primary wood processing –...
CORRECTION: AS "PATA Saldus" Finanšu kalendārs
27 avr. 2017 03h48 HE | PATA Saldus
AS "PATA Saldus " paziņo datumus, kad tiks publiskoti finanšu pārskati par attiecīgajiem periodiem:   2016. gada revidēts gada pārskats 02.05.2017. 2017. gada 1.ceturksnis...
CORRECTION: Financial calendar of JSC "PATA Saldus"
27 avr. 2017 03h48 HE | PATA Saldus
JSC "PATA Saldus " announces when will be published financial statements for above mentioned periods:   Audited financial report for the year 2016 on 02.05.2017. 3 months financial report...
"PATA Saldus" plans
"PATA Saldus" plans to invest two million in timber drying plants
04 avr. 2017 09h28 HE | PATA Saldus
"PATA Saldus" plans to buy six timber drying plants with recuperation. Equipment guaranteed yield by treating 50-millimeter pine wood with a wood moisture 80% the starting and ending moisture 8% (+...
"PATA Saldus" plāno
"PATA Saldus" plāno investēt divus miljonus eiro kokmateriālu žāvēšanas iekārtās
04 avr. 2017 09h28 HE | PATA Saldus
Kopumā "PATA Saldus" plāno iegādāties sešas kokmateriālu žāvēšanas iekārtas ar rekuperāciju. Iekārtu garantētā ražība, apstrādājot priedes 50 milimetru kokmateriālus ar koksnes sākuma mitrumu 80% un...
AS "PATA Saldus" Fin
AS "PATA Saldus" Finanšu kalendārs
27 mars 2017 07h58 HE | PATA Saldus
AS "PATA Saldus " paziņo datumus, kad tiks publiskoti finanšu pārskati par attiecīgajiem periodiem:   2016. gada revidēts gada pārskats 28.04.2017. 2017. gada 1.ceturksnis...
Financial calendar o
Financial calendar of JSC "PATA Saldus"
27 mars 2017 07h58 HE | PATA Saldus
JSC "PATA Saldus " announces when will be published financial statements for above mentioned periods:   Audited financial report for the year 2016 on 28.04.2017. 3 months financial report...