PartnerTech’s Nominating Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2015
10 oct. 2014 05h30 HE | PartnerTech AB
In accordance with the instruction concerning principles for the composition of the Nominating Committee adopted by the Annual General Meeting, the following members have been appointed to the...
PartnerTech Interim Report January-June 2014
16 juil. 2014 02h30 HE | PartnerTech AB
Continued positive development for electronics, adaptation in Metal Precision reduces operating profit During the quarter orders from our larger defense customers have continued to decrease. We...
PartnerTech Delårsrapport januari-juni 2014
16 juil. 2014 02h30 HE | PartnerTech AB
Fortsatt positiv utveckling för elektronikverksamheten, omställning inom Metal Precision belastar resultatet Under kvartalet har beställningarna från våra större försvarskunder fortsatt minska. Vi...
Stefan Hansson-Mutas New Acting President for Electronics Technology
05 mai 2014 08h50 HE | PartnerTech AB
Stefan Hansson-Mutas has been appointed Acting President for the Electronics Technology division, in addition to his position as Managing Director for PartnerTech’s electronics unit in Malmö. Stefan...
Stefan Hansson-Mutas ny tillförordnad chef för Electronics Technology
05 mai 2014 08h50 HE | PartnerTech AB
Stefan Hansson-Mutas har, utöver sin tjänst som VD för PartnerTech’s elektronikenhet i Malmö, utsetts till tillförordnad chef för Electronics Technology divisionen. Stefan Hansson-Mutas, 48, är...
PartnerTech tecknar samarbetsavtal med Exide Technologies
05 mai 2014 04h00 HE | PartnerTech AB
PartnerTech AB har tecknat ett samarbetsavtal med Exide Technologies, en av världens ledande batteritillverkare, avseende kretskort till företagets batteriladdare. Initialt avser avtalet...
PartnerTech signs framework agreement with Exide Technologies
05 mai 2014 04h00 HE | PartnerTech AB
PartnerTech AB has signed a framework agreement with Exide Technologies, one of the world’s largest producers of lead-acid batteries, regarding manufacturing of PCBA’s for the company’s battery...
Kommuniké från årsstämma i PartnerTech AB (publ) den 28 april 2014
28 avr. 2014 11h00 HE | PartnerTech AB
Årsstämman fattade bland annat följande beslut:   Stämman beslutade om utdelning till aktieägarna om 0,50 kronor per aktie, totalt 6 332 491 kronor, samt att återstående belopp,...
Press release from the annual general meeting of PartnerTech AB (publ), April 28, 2014
28 avr. 2014 11h00 HE | PartnerTech AB
Among the resolutions passed by the meeting were:   The annual general meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal from the board, on a dividend to the shareholders of SEK 0.50 per...
PartnerTech Interim Report January-March 2014
22 avr. 2014 02h30 HE | PartnerTech AB
Slow start in the first quarter of the year, transition towards enhanced service offering The quarter ended strong after a weak start but overall sales in the first quarter decreased by 1%...