Probi and Ipsen sign extensive Primary Care distribution agreement for probiotic LP299V®, Lactobacillus plantarum 299v
26 avr. 2016 02h52 HE
Probi AB
Lund (Sweden) and Paris (France), 26 April 2016
Ipsen and Probi today jointly announce the signature of a license and supply
agreement for the commercialization of Probi’s probiotic strain...
Probi och Ipsen tecknar omfattande distributionssavtal för bakteriestammen LP299V®, Lactobacillus plantarum 299v
26 avr. 2016 02h45 HE
Probi AB
Lund (Sweden) and Paris (France), 26 April 2016
Ipsen and Probi today jointly announce the signature of a license and supply
agreement for the commercialization of Probi’s probiotic strain...
Probi och Ipsen tecknar omfattande distributionssavtal för bakteriestammen LP299V®, Lactobacillus plantarum 299v
26 avr. 2016 02h45 HE
Probi AB
Lund (Sverige) och Paris (Frankrike), 26 april 2016
Ipsen och Probi har tecknat ett licens- och distributionssavtal för
kommersialisering av Probis patenterade probiotiska stam Lactobacillus...
Probi offentliggör förändrad utdelningspolicy från och med verksamhetsåret 2016
04 avr. 2016 02h45 HE
Probi AB
I samband med att Probi idag publicerar sin årsredovisning för 2015 presenteras
förändrad utdelningspolicy, som beslutats av företagets styrelse.
Styrelsen för Probi AB (publ) har sett över och...
Probi announces changed dividend policy effective 2016 financial year
04 avr. 2016 02h45 HE
Probi AB
In conjunction with today’s publication of the Probi annual report for 2015, a
changed dividend policy was presented, which has been decided by the company’s
Board of Directors.
The Board of...
Notice of general meeting in Probi AB (publ)
30 mars 2016 05h40 HE
Probi AB
The shareholders of Probi AB (publ) are hereby officially convened to the Annual
General Meeting (AGM) which will be held on Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 3:00 p.m.
at Elite Hotel, Ideon Gateway,...
Kallelse till årsstämma i Probi AB (publ)
30 mars 2016 05h40 HE
Probi AB
Aktieägarna i Probi AB (publ) kallas härmed till årsstämma onsdagen den 27 april
2016 kl 15.00 på Elite Hotel, Ideon Gateway, Scheelevägen 27, Lund. Anmälan om
deltagande ska göras senast torsdagen...
Probi acquires license for new probiotic strains – strengthening its offer in functional food
11 mars 2016 02h45 HE
Probi AB
Probi has signed an agreement with the Swedish biotech company, Probac, to
acquire a license for two probiotic strains for use in food applications,
primarily dairy products. The license covers the...