Identity Theft, Cloud App Exposures, At-Risk Devices and Unauthorized Access Concerns Impacting Organizations, According to Pulse Secure and CyberRisk Alliance
15 déc. 2020 06h30 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- More than half of organizations (52%) consider phishing attacks or ID and credential theft as the top concern in Q3 2020, according to data...
CORRECTION - Fairfield University Partners with Pulse Secure on New Cybersecurity Lab to Prepare the Next Generation of InfoSec Professionals
16 nov. 2020 05h00 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fairfield University and Pulse Secure, the leading provider of Zero Trust Secure Access solutions, have announced a partnership to help educate...
Fairfield University Partners with Pulse Secure on New Cybersecurity Lab to Prepare the Next Generation of Information Security Professionals
11 nov. 2020 09h00 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fairfield University and Pulse Secure, the leading provider of Zero Trust Secure Access solutions, have announced a partnership to help educate...
Pulse Secure Delivers VPN and Quarantine Management in Integrated Solution Deployed by PERSOL Group
28 oct. 2020 19h00 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
TOKYO, Oct. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pulse Secure, the leading provider of software-defined Secure Access solutions, today announced the successful delivery of a deployment at PERSOL Group,...
New Report Shows That the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Not Slowed Down Global Zero Trust Networking Implementation
28 oct. 2020 06h30 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pulse Secure, the leading provider of Zero Trust Secure Access solutions, today announced that the COVID-19 pandemic has not impacted the adoption...
Pulse Secure、アジア太平洋日本地域において堅調に事業とパートナーを拡大
22 oct. 2020 23h15 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
シンガポール発, Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ソフトウェア定義のセキュア アクセス ソリューションのリーディングプロバイダーであるPulse Secure は本日、2020年上半期にアジア太平洋日本(APJ)地域において堅調に事業とパートナーを拡大したことを発表しました。Pulse Secure Zero...
Pulse Secure 在亞太日本地區取得傑出的業務增長及合作夥伴擴展
20 oct. 2020 10h39 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
新加坡, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pulse Secure 是領先的軟件定義安全存取解決方案的供應商,今天宣佈在 2020 年上半年在亞太日本 (APJ) 地區開展卓越的業務和合作夥伴的增長。對 Pulse Secure Zero Trust 和遙距存取解決方案的強勁需求,導致整體訂閱人數增加 18 倍以上,以及新業務收入同比增長超過 260%。 ...
Pulse Secure实现亚太日本地区业务显著增长及合作关系扩展
20 oct. 2020 10h39 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
新加坡, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 软件定义安全访问解决方案的领先提供商Pulse Secure今天宣布,该公司2020年上半年在整个亚太日本(APJ)地区业务表现和合作伙伴关系均实现卓越增长。对Pulse Secure零信任和远程访问解决方案的强劲需求使总订阅量同比增长超过18倍,新业务收入增长260%以上。 自2019年以来,Pulse...
Pulse Secure Mencatatkan Pertumbuhan Perniagaan Cemerlang dan Pengembangan Rakan Niaga di Rantau Asia Pasifik Jepun
20 oct. 2020 09h00 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
SINGAPURA, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pulse Secure, penyedia utama penyelesaian Secure Access ditakrifkan perisian, hari ini mengumumkan pertumbuhan perniagaan dan rakan niaga yang cemerlang...
펄스시큐어, 아시아 태영양 및 일본 지역 내 비즈니스 및 파트너사 규모 큰 폭의 성장세
20 oct. 2020 09h00 HE
Pulse Secure, LLC
싱가포르, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 소프트웨어 정의 Secure Access 솔루션 전문 업체인 펄스시큐어(Pulse Secure)는 2020년 상반기 아시아 태평양 및 일본(APJ) 지역 내 비즈니스 및 파트너사 규모가 큰 폭의 성장세를 기록했다고 밝혔다. 특히 Pulse Secure Zero Trust와 각종...