Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2014
11 avr. 2014 12h01 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Rella Holding A/S: Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2014.
Contact: Klaus Landstrøm, CEO. Telephone: +45 51 35 61 13....
Forløb af generalforsamling 2014
11 avr. 2014 12h01 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Rella Holding A/S: Forløb af generalforsamling 2014.
Kontakt: Direktør Klaus Landstrøm: Tlf: 51 35 61 13
Orientering om 1. kvartal 2014
11 avr. 2014 03h00 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Rella Holding A/S: Orientering om 1. kvartal 2014...
Information on Q1 2014
11 avr. 2014 03h00 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Rella Holding A/S: Information on Q1 2014...
Proxies to the Board of Directors and the Management for the AGM 2014
08 avr. 2014 04h19 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Announcement No....
Fuldmagter til bestyrelse og direktion til generalforsamlingen 2014
08 avr. 2014 04h19 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Meddelelse nr....
Rella Holding A/S: Notice of Annual General Meeting
19 mars 2014 02h58 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Rella Holding A/S: Notice of Annual General Meeting with Agenda.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 11 April 2014 at 4.00 pm at the Company's office, c/o...
Rella Holding A/S: Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling
19 mars 2014 02h58 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Rella Holding A/S: Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling med dagsorden.
Generalforsamlingen afholdes fredag den 11. april 2014 kl. 16.00 på selskabets kontor, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers,...