Announcement no. 14 / 2015
11 juin 2015 05h18 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Please attached find Rella Holding A/S in liquidation's announcement of the completion today of the sale of the shareholding in Aller Holding A/S.
Kind regards
Rella Holding A/S in...
Meddelelse nr. 14 / 2015
11 juin 2015 05h18 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Hermed følger Rella Holding A/S i likvidations meddelelse om, at salget af beholdningen af aktier i Aller Holding A/S i dag er blevet gennemført.
Med venlig hilsen
Rella Holding A/S i...
Announcement no. 13 / 2015.
05 mai 2015 16h08 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Please attached find Rella Holding A/S in liquidation's Articles of Association as adopted at the Company's Annual General Meeting on 30 April 2015.
Kind regards
Rella Holding A/S in...
Meddelelse nr. 13 / 2015
05 mai 2015 16h08 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Hermed følger vedtægterne for Rella Holding A/S i likvidation som vedtaget på selskabets ordinære generalforsamling den 30. april 2015.
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Rella Holding A/S i...
Meddelelse nr. 12 / 2015
30 avr. 2015 07h38 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Hermed følger Rella Holding A/S i likvidations meddelelse om, at aftalen om overdragelse af selskabets B-aktiepost i Aller Holding A/S nu er ubetinget.
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Rella Holding...
Announcement no. 12 / 2015
30 avr. 2015 07h38 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Please attached find Rella Holding A/S in liquidation's announcement that the agreement on sale of the Company's B-shareholding in Aller Holding A/S is now unconditional.
Announcement no. 11 / 2015
30 avr. 2015 05h34 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Please attached find Minutes of Rella Holding A/S' Annual General Meeting, which has just ended.
Kind regards
Rella Holding A/S in liquidation
Rikke Schiøtt...
Meddelelse nr. 11 / 2015
30 avr. 2015 05h34 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Hermed følger referat af Rella Holding A/S' netop afholdte ordinære generalforsamling.
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Rella Holding A/S i likvidation
Rikke Schiøtt...
Meddelelse nr. 10 / 2015
29 avr. 2015 18h33 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Hermed følger Rella Holding A/S' orientering om perioden 1. januar 2015 til 30. april 2015.
Med venlig hilsen
Rella Holding A/S
Klaus Landstrøm, direktør. Tlf. 51 35 61...
Announcement no. 10 / 2015
29 avr. 2015 18h33 HE
Rella Holding A/S
Please attached find Rella Holding A/S' announcement with information on the period 1 January 2015 to 30 April 2015.
Kind regards
Rella Holding A/S
Klaus Landstrøm, CEO....