SAS’ financial calendar 2016/2017
25 oct. 2016 02h00 HE | SAS AB
The SAS plans to release interim- and annual reports during financial year 1 November 2016 to 31 October 2017 as follows: Interim Report Aug-Oct 2016             December 13, 2016 Annual report...
SAS finansiella kalender 2016/2017
25 oct. 2016 02h00 HE | SAS AB
SAS planerar att under räkenskapsåret 1 november 2016 till 31 oktober 2017 avge års- och delårsrapporter vid följande tillfällen: Delårsrapport 4, aug-okt 2016                       ...
SAS uppgraderar kort-och medeldistansflottan och installerar nästa generations WIFI
08 sept. 2016 02h02 HE | SAS AB
SAS, som i år firar 70 år, har sedan starten 1946 drivits av innovationer. Med fortsatt fokus på visionen att göra livet enklare för Skandinaviens frekventa resenärer, investerar SAS nu en halv...
SAS upgrades its short and medium haul fleet and invests in next-generation onboard WiFi
08 sept. 2016 02h02 HE | SAS AB
SAS, which celebrates its 70th anniversary this year, has been focused on bringing innovation to its passengers since 1946. With a passion and vision to ‘make life easier’ for Scandinavia's frequent...
SAS traffic figures - August 2016
08 sept. 2016 02h01 HE | SAS AB
• Scheduled traffic (RPK) increased 12% and the capacity (ASK) was up 11%. • The scheduled load factor improved by 0.7 p.u. versus last year to 81.2%. • SAS carried 2.5 million scheduled passengers in...
SAS Interim Report November 2015 – July 2016
08 sept. 2016 02h00 HE | SAS AB
CLEAR STRATEGY GENERATES HIGHER REVENUE MAY 2016 – JULY 2016 · Income before tax: MSEK 1,036 (1,031) · Income before tax and nonrecurring items: MSEK 1,003 (996) · Revenue: MSEK 11,133...
SAS Delårsrapport november 2015 – juli 2016
08 sept. 2016 02h00 HE | SAS AB
TYDLIG STRATEGI GER ÖKADE INTÄKTER MAJ 2016 – JULI 2016 · Resultat före skatt: 1 036 (1 031) MSEK · Resultat före skatt och engångsposter: 1 003 (996) MSEK · Intäkter: 11 133 (10 973) MSEK ·...
SAS traffic figures - July 2016
08 août 2016 05h00 HE | SAS AB
• Scheduled traffic (RPK) increased 10.4% and the capacity (ASK) was up 8.8%. • The scheduled load factor improved by 1.2 p.u. versus last year to the highest load factor for a single month of...
SAS traffic figures - June 2016
07 juil. 2016 05h00 HE | SAS AB
• Scheduled traffic (RPK) increased 7.9% and the capacity (ASK) was up 6%. • The scheduled load factor improved by 1.5 p.u. versus last year to 81.5%. • SAS carried 2.6 million scheduled passengers in...
SAS sells minority holding in Widerøe
30 juin 2016 02h00 HE | SAS AB
In September 2013, SAS sold 80% of the shares in Widerøe AS (Widerøe) to WF Holding AS (WF Holding), an investment company controlled by Torghatten ASA. At the same time SAS informed that the...