The EU Commission does not appeal the EU General Court’s judgment and MEUR 70.2 will be returned to SAS
29 févr. 2016 11h30 HE | SAS AB
On November 9, 2010, the European Commission decided to fine SAS Cargo and the SAS Group, alongside 11 other airlines, for participating in a global cartel in the cargo sector. SAS was fined MEUR...
SAS Annual Report 2014/2015
12 févr. 2016 02h00 HE | SAS AB
At a Board meeting of SAS AB, the November 2014 – October 2015 annual report for SAS and its parent company SAS AB was presented and approved. The annual report is now available on the internet,...
SAS årsredovisning 2014/2015
12 févr. 2016 02h00 HE | SAS AB
Vid styrelsemöte i SAS AB har SAS och moderbolaget SAS AB:s årsredovisning för november 2014 – oktober 2015 lagts fram och godkänts. Årsredovisningen finns nu tillgänglig på internet,...
SAS traffic figures - January 2016
05 févr. 2016 05h00 HE | SAS AB
• Scheduled traffic (RPK) increased 11.4% and the capacity (ASK) was up by 14.8%. • The load factor decreased by 1.9 p.u. to 63.7%. • SAS carried 1.8 million scheduled passengers in January, up...
SAS AB (publ) utfärdar kallelse till årsstämma den 8 mars 2016
02 févr. 2016 05h00 HE | SAS AB
Aktieägarna i SAS AB (publ) kallas härmed till årsstämma tisdagen den 8 mars 2016. Årsstämman äger rum kl. 15.00 på SAS huvudkontor, Frösundaviks allé 1, Solna. Rätt att delta vid årsstämman och...
SAS AB (publ) announces notice to the Annual General Meeting on 8 March 2016
02 févr. 2016 05h00 HE | SAS AB
Shareholders in SAS AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 8 March 2016. The Annual General Meeting will be held at 3 p.m. at SAS head office, Frösundaviks allé...
Change of number of shares and votes in SAS AB
29 janv. 2016 10h00 HE | SAS AB
Holders of convertibles in SAS convertible bond (KV 2 2014/2019) are entitled to request conversion into issued common shares in SAS AB. As a result of conversions of SAS convertible bond during...
Ändring av antalet aktier och röster i SAS AB
29 janv. 2016 10h00 HE | SAS AB
Innehavare av konvertibler i SAS konvertibellån (KV 2 2014/2019) äger rätt att påkalla konvertering till nyemitterade stamaktier i SAS AB. Till följd av konvertering av konvertibler under SAS...
SAS traffic figures - December 2015
12 janv. 2016 05h00 HE | SAS AB
• Scheduled traffic (RPK) increased 7.9% and the capacity (ASK) was up by 12.7%. • The load factor decreased by 68.2 p.u. to 3.1%. • SAS carried 1.9 million scheduled passengers in December, up...
SAS completes Pre-Delivery Payment Financing for five Airbus aircraft with DVB
05 janv. 2016 02h00 HE | SAS AB
SAS has secured a Pre-Delivery Payment Financing Facility (“PDP Facility”) with DVB Bank covering a portion of the pre-delivery payments that SAS is making for five Airbus A320neo under the aircraft...