Klas Danielsson appointed new CEO of SBAB
19 juin 2014 04h05 HE | SBAB
The Board of Directors of SBAB has decided to appoint Klas Danielsson as the new CEO of SBAB. Klas Danielsson has more than 25 years of experience from the banking and finance sector, including...
Moody’s Confirms SBAB A2/P-1 Ratings
11 juin 2014 07h43 HE | SBAB
Moody's Investors Service has today confirmed SBAB Bank's A2 long-term issuer and senior unsecured ratings and Prime-1 short-term rating, with a negative outlook for long-term ratings. Following the...
Mikael Inglander utsedd till CFO i SBAB
06 mai 2014 07h00 HE | SBAB
Mikael Inglander tillträder som interimistisk CFO i SBAB den 7 maj 2014. Mikael Inglander kommer närmast från tjänsten som VD på Lindorff Sverige och har innan dess bland annat varit CFO och vice VD...
Mikael Inglander appointed CFO of SBAB
06 mai 2014 07h00 HE | SBAB
ikael Inglander is taking on the role of interim CFO of SBAB effective from 7 May 2014. Prior to taking on this position, Mikael Inglander was the President of Lindorff in Sweden and before that, he...
Interim report 1 January – 31 March 2014: Improved profit and continued growth in deposits
25 avr. 2014 03h00 HE | SBAB
SBAB’s CEO, Per Anders Fasth, comments: In the first quarter, SBAB’s operating profit amounted to SEK 340 million and return on equity was 10.8%. The capital base remained strong with a Common Equity...
Delårsrapport 1 januari - 31 mars 2014: Förbättrat resultat och fortsatt inlåningstillväxt
25 avr. 2014 03h00 HE | SBAB
SBAB:s VD Per Anders Fasth kommenterar: SBAB:s rörelseresultat under årets första kvartal uppgick till 340 miljoner kronor, och avkastningen på eget kapital till 10,8 procent. Kapitalbasen...
Beslut vid SBAB:s årsstämma 2014
24 avr. 2014 06h48 HE | SBAB
Vid dagens årsstämma i SBAB Bank AB (publ) omvaldes styrelseledamötena Bo Magnusson, Jakob Grinbaum, Kristina Ekengren, Ebba Lindsö, Jane Lundgren Ericsson och Karin Moberg. Årsstämman valde Lars...
Decisions made by the 2014 Annual General Meeting of SBAB
24 avr. 2014 06h48 HE | SBAB
At today’s Annual General Meeting of SBAB Bank AB (publ), Board Members Bo Magnusson, Jakob Grinbaum, Kristina Ekengren, Ebba Lindsö, Jane Lundgren Ericsson and Karin Moberg were re-elected. The...
SBAB’s Annual Report and Sustainability Report for 2013 available online
27 mars 2014 06h00 HE | SBAB
SBAB Bank AB (publ) has today published the following information on its website: - Annual Report 2013 - Sustainability Report 2013 All reports can be found at www.sbab.se/investor. Enclosures: SBAB...
SBAB:s årsredovisning och hållbarhetsredovisning för 2013 finns nu tillgängliga online
27 mars 2014 06h00 HE | SBAB
SBAB Bank AB (publ) har idag publicerat följande information på sin hemsida: - Årsredovisning 2013 - Hållbarhetsredovisning 2013 - Information om kapitaltäckning och riskhantering 2013 Samtliga...