SERSTECH AB: Serstech publicerar memorandum inför företrädesemission
03 mai 2021 02h00 HE | SERSTECH AB
Serstech meddelar härmed att memorandum innehållande villkor och anvisningar inför kommande nyemission finns att tillgå på Serstech’s hemsida www.serstech.com/rightsissue. Erbjudandet i...
SERSTECH AB: Serstech publishes memorandum prior to Rights Issue
03 mai 2021 02h00 HE | Serstech
Serstech hereby announce that the memorandum containing terms and conditions prior to the upcoming rights issue is available on Serstechs website www.serstech.com/rightsissue. Summary of the...
SERSTECH AB: Kommuniké från ordinarie bolagsstämma i Serstech AB (publ)
30 avr. 2021 10h00 HE | SERSTECH AB
Idag, den 30 april 2021, hölls ordinarie bolagsstämma i Serstech AB (publ). Nedan följer en sammanfattning av de beslut som fattades. Besluten fattades med erforderlig majoritet. Stämman beslutade...
SERSTECH AB: Resolutions from the Annual General Meeting
30 avr. 2021 10h00 HE | Serstech
This announcement is published in both the Swedish and the English language. In the event of inconsistency or discrepancy between the English version and the Swedish version of this...
SERSTECH AB: First Quarter Report 1 January – 31 March 2021
30 avr. 2021 04h30 HE | Serstech
RECORD SALES AND PROFIT Serstech Group - First Quarter 2021 Net sales: KSEK 11 459 (6 012) +91% Profit for the period: KSEK 3 024 (-3 206) Earnings per share SEK 0.04 (-0.05) ...
SERSTECH AB: Serstech launches a new software platform
31 mars 2021 04h00 HE | Serstech
Serstech today launches a new software platform, which replaces the previous ChemDash One PC application. The new platform is initially launched as three applications – ChemDash Lite, ChemDash Pro and...
SERSTECH AB: Kallelse till årsstämma i Serstech AB (publ)
29 mars 2021 12h16 HE | SERSTECH AB
Aktieägarna i Serstech AB (publ), 556713-9893, kallas till årsstämma fredagen den 30 april 2021 klockan 13:00 i Bolagets lokaler på Åldermansgatan 13 i Lund. Försiktighetsåtgärder med...
SERSTECH AB: Notice of Annual General Meeting in Serstech AB (publ.)
29 mars 2021 12h16 HE | Serstech
This notice is published in both the Swedish and the English language. In the event of inconsistency or discrepancy between the English version and the Swedish version of this publication, the Swedish...
SERSTECH AB: Serstech genomför en företrädesemission om 25MSEK
29 mars 2021 12h15 HE | SERSTECH AB
Serstech har under de tre senaste åren byggt upp och förfinat en välfungerande intern organisation och ett globalt distributionsnätverk, som idag består av 90 partners. Den kommersiella grunden lades...
SERSTECH AB: Serstech announces a rights issue of 25MSEK
29 mars 2021 12h15 HE | Serstech
This announcement is published in both the Swedish and the English language. In the event of inconsistency or discrepancy between the English version and the Swedish version of this...