Nomination committee Semcon AB (publ)
15 sept. 2014 09h00 HE | Semcon AB
In accordance with the decision by the annual general meeting of Semcon AB (publ) (“Semcon”) in 2014, the following persons have been appointed as members to the nomination committee: · Gabriel...
Omstruktureringar och tillfällig svag beläggning påverkar lönsamheten andra kvartalet
15 juil. 2014 06h15 HE | Semcon AB
Andra kvartalets resultat har påverkats av att det stora projektet för en tysk fordonsleverantör som startade 2013 och som engagerade cirka 100 personer har avslutats under kvartalet. Tillsammans med...
Restructuring and temporary poor utilization affected profitability in Q2
15 juil. 2014 06h15 HE | Semcon AB
Q2s results were affected by the major project for a German auto manufacturer, started in 2013 and involving around 100 people, ending during the quarter. Along with an order stoppage from another...
Annual report 2013
15 mai 2014 03h24 HE | Semcon AB
. Semcon is a global company active in the areas of engineering services and product information. The Group has around 3,000 employees with extensive experience from many different industries. Semcon...
Semcon’s Annual General Meeting 2014 for the 2013 financial year (summary)
28 avr. 2014 11h45 HE | Semcon AB
Semcon’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Monday 28 April 2014 at Semcon headquarters in Gothenburg. The president & CEO, Markus Granlund, presented the Group’s developments for 2013 and...
Semcons årsstämma 2014 för verksamhetsåret 2013 (sammandrag)
28 avr. 2014 11h45 HE | Semcon AB
Semcons årsstämma hölls måndagen den 28 april 2014 på Semcons huvudkontor i Göteborg. Koncernchef Markus Granlund presenterade koncernens utveckling under år 2013 samt kommenterade delårsrapporten för...
Ökad försäljning och förbättrat resultat
28 avr. 2014 05h45 HE | Semcon AB
Sedan den första januari har Semcon en ny marknadsanpassad organisation inom ingenjörstjänster vilken har mottagits positivt av våra anställda och kunder. Året har startat med en försäljningstillväxt...
Sales increase and improved results
28 avr. 2014 05h45 HE | Semcon AB
Semcon introduced a new market-oriented organization on 1 January for engineering services, which has been well received by both employees and customers alike. The year began with a sales increase and...
Kallelse till årsstämma i Semcon AB (publ)
27 mars 2014 08h00 HE | Semcon AB
Aktieägarna i Semcon AB (publ), org. nr. 556539-9549, kallas till årsstämma måndagen den 28 april 2014 kl. 15.00 i bolagets lokaler på Theres Svenssons gata 15 i Göteborg. Rätt att delta och...
Notice to attend the Annual general meeting of shareholders of Semcon AB (publ)
27 mars 2014 08h00 HE | Semcon AB
Shareholders of Semcon AB (publ), corporate identity number 556539-9549, are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting at 3 p.m. on Monday 28 April 2014 at the company’s office on Theres...