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Squirrels LLC
AirParrot 3 Photo
Squirrels LLC Releases AirParrot 3
26 mai 2020 10h04 HE | Squirrels LLC
NORTH CANTON, Ohio, May 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Squirrels LLC today released AirParrot 3, a screen mirroring and streaming software boasting less latency, higher frame rates, lower CPU demand...
Ditto Launches Industry-First Digital Signage at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2020
10 févr. 2020 08h00 HE | Squirrels LLC
NORTH CANTON, Ohio, Feb. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Squirrels LLC today announced a first-of-its-kind digital signage technology launched as part of the company’s expanding Ditto screen sharing...
Ditto Logo
New App Brings First Multi-Device Screen Mirroring Tech to Apple TV
12 août 2019 10h40 HE | Squirrels LLC
NORTH CANTON, Ohio, Aug. 12, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Apple TV owners can now screen mirror multiple device types and up to four devices simultaneously with the new Ditto tvOS Receiver app, a...
Ditto Connect for Chrome OS
New Chrome OS App Brings Cross-Platform Screen Mirroring to Chromebooks
03 juin 2019 09h49 HE | Squirrels LLC
NORTH CANTON, Ohio, June 03, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Squirrels LLC today released Ditto Connect for Chrome OS, a first-of-its-kind app that enables Chromebook screen mirroring to a number of...
Ditto Logo
Say Goodbye to HDMI: New Ditto Tech is the Key to a Wireless Workplace
22 avr. 2019 07h58 HE | Squirrels LLC
NORTH CANTON, Ohio, April 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Squirrels LLC today released all-in-one workplace screen mirroring technology that eliminates cables, adapters and unreliable tech from the...
BCU 1525 Delivery Delayed Due to Supply Chain Constraints
06 août 2018 17h25 HE | Squirrels LLC
NORTH CANTON, Ohio, Aug. 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Xilinx Inc. informed Squirrels Research Labs (SQRL) that delivery of the BCU 1525, a variant of the VCU 1525 designed for use in blockchain...
Squirrels Research Labs Delivers Specialized Blockchain Hardware Leveraging FPGAs
03 août 2018 12h24 HE | Squirrels LLC
NORTH CANTON, Ohio, Aug. 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Squirrels Research Labs is working with Xilinx, Inc. to provide specialty hardware that previously wasn’t available to blockchain and...
Acorn 가상화폐 채굴 가속기
Squirrels Research Labs, 가상화폐 하드웨어 가속장치 Acorn 공개
13 juil. 2018 15h46 HE | Squirrels LLC
미국 오하이오주 노스캔턴, July 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Squirrels Research Labs가 가상화폐 채굴의 유효성과 효율성을 높여줄 새로운 하드웨어 장치인 Acorn을 공개했다. 데이비드 스탠필(David Stanfill) Squirrels 대표는 “우리가 개발한 Acorn은 하드웨어의 일종으로 많은 비용을...
Akselerator Penambangan Mata Uang Kripto Acorn
Squirrels Research Labs Mengumumkan Acorn, Perangkat Keras Akselerasi Mata Uang Kripto
13 juil. 2018 15h46 HE | Squirrels LLC
NORTH CANTON, Ohio, July 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Squirrels Research Labs hari ini mengumumkan Acorn, komponen perangkat keras baru yang meningkatkan efisiensi dan keefektifan penambangan mata...
Squirrels Research Labs发布加密货币加速硬件Acorn
13 juil. 2018 15h46 HE | Squirrels LLC
美国俄亥俄州北坎顿, July 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 讯:Squirrels Research Labs今日发布全新硬件部件Acorn,可提高加密货币挖矿的效率和成效。 “我们开发了一款名为Acorn的硬件,无需增加大量成本,便可提高市面已有型号GPU的挖矿成效,”Squirrels总裁David...