TORM publishes Listi
TORM publishes Listing Prospectus
24 juil. 2015 02h53 HE | TORM A/S
  Today, TORM publishes a listing prospectus (the "Listing Prospectus") prepared in connection with the admission to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen of a total...
Storaktionærmeddelelse fra Goldman Sachs i henhold til værdipapirhandelslovens § 29
22 juil. 2015 13h08 HE | TORM A/S
  TORM A/S offentliggør hermed modtagelsen af følgende meddelelse i henhold til værdipapirhandelslovens § 29:   Den 22. juli 2015 er TORM A/S blevet meddelt, at The...
Major shareholder an
Major shareholder announcement from Goldman Sachs pursuant to Section 29 of the Securities Trading Act
22 juil. 2015 13h08 HE | TORM A/S
  TORM A/S hereby announces the receipt of the following notification pursuant to Section 29 of the Danish Securities Trading Act (værdipapirhandelsloven):   On 22...
Major shareholder an
Major shareholder announcement from Danske Bank pursuant to Section 29 of the Securities Trading Act
14 juil. 2015 04h43 HE | TORM A/S
With reference to announcement no. 19 dated 13 July 2015 regarding TORM A/S’ completion of the restructuring of the Company and its increases of share capital, TORM A/S hereby announces the receipt...
Storaktionærmeddelelse fra Danske Bank i henhold til værdipapirhandelslovens § 29
14 juil. 2015 04h43 HE | TORM A/S
Under henvisning til meddelelse nr. 19 af 13. juli 2015 vedrørende TORM A/S’ gennemførelse af en restrukturering af Selskabet og dets forhøjelser af aktiekapitalen, offentliggør TORM A/S hermed...
Storaktionærmeddelelse i henhold til værdipapirhandelslovens § 29
13 juil. 2015 17h09 HE | TORM A/S
  Under henvisning til meddelelse nr. 19 af 13. juli 2015 vedrørende TORM A/S’ gennemførelse af en omstrukturering af Selskabet og dets forhøjelser af aktiekapitalen, offentliggør...
Major shareholder an
Major shareholder announcement pursuant to Section 29 of the Securities Trading Act
13 juil. 2015 17h09 HE | TORM A/S
  With reference to announcement no. 19 dated 13 July 2015 regarding TORM A/S’ completion of the restructuring of the Company and its increases of share capital, TORM A/S hereby...
TORM gennemfører Res
TORM gennemfører Restrukturering og foretager ændringer i aktiekapitalen
13 juil. 2015 14h32 HE | TORM A/S
"Jeg er stolt af, at TORM, Selskabets långivere og Oaktree har forhandlet og gennemført implementeringen af denne omfattende Restrukturering. Vi har hermed skabt et af verdens største...
TORM successfully co
TORM successfully completes its Restructuring and makes changes to the share capital
13 juil. 2015 14h32 HE | TORM A/S
“I am proud that TORM, its lenders and Oaktree have successfully negotiated and implemented this comprehensive Restructuring. Thereby, we have created one of the largest owner-operators of product...
Results from TORM’s
Results from TORM’s Extraordinary General Meeting 7 July 2015
07 juil. 2015 07h29 HE | TORM A/S
  At the Annual General Meeting the following took place:       The Board of Directors delivered its report on the restructuring of...