Large claim announcement
27 juin 2023 09h50 HE
Tryg A/S
Tryg is disclosing a large claim in its Corporate business in Scandinavia with a total expected cost of approx. DKK 225m net in Q2 2023, the cost includes both the claim cost and the reinstatement...
Share Buyback concluded - transactions in connection with share Buyback programme
15 juin 2023 11h00 HE
Tryg A/S
On 27 April 2022, Tryg A/S (“Tryg”) announced that a share buyback programme of DKK 5.0 billion had been initiated as a result of the sale of Codan Denmark. The share buyback programme is executed...
Transactions in connection with share buyback programme
12 juin 2023 05h00 HE
Tryg A/S
On 27 April 2022, Tryg A/S (“Tryg”) announced that a share buyback programme of DKK 5.0 billion had been initiated as a result of the sale of Codan Denmark. The share buyback programme is...
Tryg analyst day
06 juin 2023 07h00 HE
Tryg A/S
Tryg is hosting an analyst day today at Tryg's headquarters in Ballerup. The event is dedicated to the sell-side analysts that cover the share. No new financial or strategic targets will be...
Transactions in connection with share buyback programme
06 juin 2023 05h00 HE
Tryg A/S
On 27 April 2022, Tryg A/S (“Tryg”) announced that a share buyback programme of DKK 5.0 billion had been initiated as a result of the sale of Codan Denmark. The share buyback programme is executed...
Tryg A/S – total number of voting rights and capital
31 mai 2023 11h00 HE
Tryg A/S
With reference to section 32 of the Danish Capital Markets Act (Kapitalmarkedsloven), Tryg hereby publishes the company's total number of voting rights and the total share capital. After the...
Transactions in connection with share buyback programme
30 mai 2023 05h00 HE
Tryg A/S
On 27 April 2022, Tryg A/S (“Tryg”) announced that a share buyback programme of DKK 5.0 billion had been initiated as a result of the sale of Codan Denmark. The share buyback programme is executed...
Transactions in connection with share buyback programme
22 mai 2023 05h00 HE
Tryg A/S
On 27 April 2022, Tryg A/S (“Tryg”) announced that a share buyback programme of DKK 5.0 billion had been initiated as a result of the sale of Codan Denmark. The share buyback programme is executed...
Transactions in connection with share buyback programme
15 mai 2023 05h00 HE
Tryg A/S
On 27 April 2022, Tryg A/S (“Tryg”) announced that a share buyback programme of DKK 5.0 billion had been initiated as a result of the sale of Codan Denmark. The share buyback programme is executed...
Transactions in connection with share buyback programme
08 mai 2023 05h00 HE
Tryg A/S
On 27 April 2022, Tryg A/S (“Tryg”) announced that a share buyback programme of DKK 5.0 billion had been initiated as a result of the sale of Codan Denmark. The share buyback programme is executed...