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UAB Apex Alliance Hotel Management
Grand Hotel Gardone  Panorama
Apex Alliance e Pavăl Holding acquisiscono il leggendario Grand Hotel Gardone
29 mai 2023 02h00 HE | UAB Apex Alliance Hotel Management
GARDONE RIVIERA, Italia, May 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Il gruppo lituano Apex Alliance annuncia l'acquisizione dell'iconico Grand Hotel Gardone, inaugurato nel 1884 sulle rive del Lago di Garda....
Grand Hotel Gardone  Panorama
Apex Alliance and Pavăl Holding acquire the legendary Italian Grand Hotel Gardone
29 mai 2023 02h00 HE | UAB Apex Alliance Hotel Management
GARDONE RIVIERA, Italy, May 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Lithuanian group Apex Alliance announces the successful acquisition of the iconic Grand Hotel Gardone, inaugurated in 1884 on the shore...