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UFCW Canada Local 1400
Employer seeks to minimize tragic death of worker at Heritage Inn Saskatoon
06 nov. 2024 14h31 HE | UFCW Canada Local 1400
UFCW 1400 mourns the tragic loss of a worker who died in a preventable workplace incident at Heritage Inn, Saskatoon
Saskatoon Co-op workers set to strike for workplace fairness
29 oct. 2018 17h07 HE | UFCW Canada Local 1400
SASKATOON, Saskatchewan, Oct. 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- More than 900 workers at Saskatoon Co-op could be out on strike as early as 12:01 a.m. on November 1, 2018. The employees are members of...