UIE's aktietilbagekøbsprogram
08 oct. 2018 04h00 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
Den 6. marts 2018 igangsatte UIE to parallelle aktietilbagekøbsprogrammer; et "Safe Harbour"-program og et "Block trade"-program. Begge programmer blev sat i gang med det formål at reducere selskabets...
UIE's share buy-back programme
08 oct. 2018 04h00 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
On 6 March 2018, UIE announced two parallel share buy-back programmes; A Safe Harbour programme and a block trade programme. Both programmes were initiated with the purpose of reducing the share...
UIE's aktietilbagekøbsprogram
01 oct. 2018 03h55 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
Den 6. marts 2018 igangsatte UIE to parallelle aktietilbagekøbsprogrammer; et "Safe Harbour"-program og et "Block trade"-program. Begge programmer blev sat i gang med det formål at reducere selskabets...
UIE's share buy-back programme
01 oct. 2018 03h55 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
On 6 March 2018, UIE announced two parallel share buy-back programmes; A Safe Harbour programme and a block trade programme. Both programmes were initiated with the purpose of reducing the share...
UIE's aktietilbagekøbsprogram
24 sept. 2018 03h09 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
Den 6. marts 2018 igangsatte UIE to parallelle aktietilbagekøbsprogrammer; et "Safe Harbour"-program og et "Block trade"-program. Begge programmer blev sat i gang med det formål at reducere selskabets...
UIE's share buy-back programme
24 sept. 2018 03h09 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
On 6 March 2018, UIE announced two parallel share buy-back programmes; A Safe Harbour programme and a block trade programme. Both programmes were initiated with the purpose of reducing the share...
United International Enterprises’ største investering United Plantations Bhd erhverver 3.642 hektar palmeolie-plantage
21 sept. 2018 03h00 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
United International Enterprises’ (”UIE”) største investering United Plantations Bhd (“UP”) erhverver 3.642 hektar (8.999 acres) palmeolieplantage tæt på selskabets nuværende plantagearealer i...
United International Enterprises' largest investment United Plantations Bhd acquires 3,642 hectares of plantation land
21 sept. 2018 03h00 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
United International Enterprises' (“UIE”) largest investment United Plantations Bhd (“UP”) acquires 3,642 hectares (8,999 acres) of plantation land close to its current plantations in Malaysia for MYR...
United International Enterprises’ største investering United Plantations Bhd erhverver 3.642 hektar palmeolie-plantage
21 sept. 2018 01h09 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
United International Enterprises’ (”UIE”) største investering United Plantations Bhd (“UP”) erhverver 3.642 hektar (8.999 acres) palmeolieplantage tæt på selskabets nuværende plantagearealer i...
United International Enterprises' largest investment United Plantations Bhd acquires 3,642 hectares of plantation land
21 sept. 2018 01h09 HE | United International Enterprises Limited
United International Enterprises' (“UIE”) largest investment United Plantations Bhd (“UP”) acquires 3,642 hectares (8,999 acres) of plantation land close to its current plantations in Malaysia for MYR...