Par saņemto informāc
Par saņemto informāciju no Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited par obligāto akciju atpirkuma piedāvājumu
16 oct. 2015 09h12 HE | Ventspils nafta
 2015. gada 15. oktobrī AS “Ventspils nafta” angļu valodā publiskoja saņemto informāciju no uzņēmuma akcionāra Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited ("Euromin"). Zemāk tekstā tā tulkojums...
CORRECTION: Information received from Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited regarding the mandatory offer
16 oct. 2015 09h12 HE | Ventspils nafta
Correction: the statement supplemented with translation into Latvian. No changes in the statement in English. JSC "Ventspils nafta" has been informed by Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited...
Par AS “Ventspils na
Par AS “Ventspils nafta” grupas uzņēmumu darbības rezultātiem 2015. gada pirmajos deviņos mēnešos
16 oct. 2015 02h24 HE | Ventspils nafta
Šā gada pirmajos deviņos mēnešos AS “Ventspils nafta” meitas sabiedrība SIA “LatRosTrans” (LRT) transportēja 3,8 miljonus tonnu, kas ir 18% mazāk nekā attiecīgajā periodā pērn, kad kopējais LRT...
About operating resu
About operating results of the JSC “Ventspils nafta” Group companies in the first nine months of 2015
16 oct. 2015 02h24 HE | Ventspils nafta
In the first nine months of this year, the JSC “Ventspils nafta” subsidiary “LatRosTrans” Ltd (LRT) transported 3.8 million tons, or 18% less than in the same period last year when the total...
Information received
Information received from Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited regarding the mandatory offer
15 oct. 2015 14h44 HE | Ventspils nafta
JSC "Ventspils nafta" has been informed by Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited ("Euromin") that the mandatory offer, set out in the Prospectus published on 15 October 2015, does not correctly value of...
AS "Latvjas Naftas t
AS "Latvjas Naftas tranzīts" pārstāvji atkāpušies no AS "Ventspils nafta" padomes
05 oct. 2015 09h34 HE | Ventspils nafta
AS "Ventspils nafta" (VN) ir saņēmusi paziņojumus no Rūdolfa Meroni, Deivida Gaja Anstisa, Jāņa Berķa, Naura Berķa un Ivara Bērziņa par atkāpšanos no VN padomes locekļu amata. Darbam padomē viņus...
AS “Latvijas Naftas
AS “Latvijas Naftas tranzīts” representatives at AS “Ventspils nafta” Supervisory Council have resigned
05 oct. 2015 09h34 HE | Ventspils nafta
AS “Ventspils nafta” has received notifications from Rudolf Meroni, David Guy Anstis, Jānis Berķis, Nauris Berķis and Ivars Bērziņš about resigning from their positions of members of the Supervisory...
Akcionāra paziņojums
Akcionāra paziņojums par nozīmīgas netiešas līdzdalības atsavināšanu
28 sept. 2015 10h34 HE | Ventspils nafta
2015.gada 23. septembrī AS “Ventspils nafta” (Ventspils nafta jeb Koncerns) ir saņēmusi AS “Ventbunkers” paziņojumu par nozīmīgas netiešas līdzdalības atsavināšanu “Ventspils nafta”. Saskaņā ar...
Shareholder’s notifi
Shareholder’s notification on disposal of a material indirect shareholding
28 sept. 2015 10h34 HE | Ventspils nafta
On September 23, 2015 JSC “Ventspils nafta” ("Ventspils Nafta" or "the Group") received a notification from JSC “Ventbunkers” regarding the disposal of a material indirect...
About the informatio
About the information received from Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited
24 sept. 2015 10h52 HE | Ventspils nafta
JSC Ventspils Nafta has received the following information from Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited. Having acquired 93,24 per cent of JSC Ventspils Nafta's share capital, Euromin Holdings (Cyprus)...