Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i Westpay AB och förslag till emissionsbemyndigande
03 juin 2019 02h40 HE
WESTPAY: Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i Westpay AB och förslag till emissionsbemyndigande Styrelsen för Westpay AB har beslutat kalla till extra bolagsstämma onsdagen den 19 juni 2019....
WESTPAY: Extended credit facility from Danske Bank and EKN
29 mai 2019 05h22 HE
Westpay has received an extended credit facility from Danske Bank and EKN, The Swedish Export Credit Agency. The total credit facility from Danske Bank now amounts to MSEK 12 (previously MSEK 6). By...
WESTPAY: Communication from Annual General Meeting
02 mai 2019 09h08 HE
On Thursday May 2, 2019 the shareholders of Westpay held their Annual General Meeting at Erik Penser Bank in Stockholm (Apelbergsgatan 27). Below follows a summary of the key decisions taken at the...
Interim financial report January-March 2019
02 mai 2019 02h40 HE
Sales uptake from Q4 and new business partners First Quarter 2019 Net sales totalled MSEK 13.1 (21.2), a decrease of MSEK 8.1 / -38 %EBITDA was MSEK -3.5 (2.5), a decrease of MSEK 6.0Operating...
WESTPAY: Payment solution from Westpay chosen by Operakällaren Arena Team
26 avr. 2019 05h40 HE
The leading Swedish restaurant operator, Nobis Hospitality Group via its subsidiary Operakällaren Arena Team has chosen a payment solution from Westpay for their restaurant and event operations. The...
WESTPAY: Micros South Africa signs agreement with Westpay
26 avr. 2019 05h37 HE
Westpay, a leading provider of payment solutions, and Micros South Africa (Pty) Ltd have signed an agreement, forming a long-term partnership to bring world-class digital payment services and...
WESTPAY: New Partner agreement and first orders from Rusta
23 avr. 2019 09h15 HE
As part of an ongoing strategic partnership, Rusta AB has chosen Westpay AB to be their continued Point of Sale (POS) hardware and services supplier for their European expansion and POS system...
WESTPAY: Årsredovisning 2018 publicerad
11 avr. 2019 10h15 HE
Westpay AB:s årsredovisning 2018 finns från och med idag tillgänglig på vår webbplats, www.westpay.se (https://westpay.se/investor-relations/financial-reports/) samt bifogad detta meddelande. För...
WESTPAY: Kallelse till årsstämma i Westpay AB
02 avr. 2019 09h48 HE
RÄTT ATT DELTA OCH ANMÄLAN TILL BOLAGETWestpay AB håller årsstämma torsdagen den 2 maj 2019 klockan 13.00 i Erik Penser Banks lokaler på Apelbergsgatan 27 i Stockholm. Registreringen börjar klockan...
WESTPAY: Order from MAX Burgers, value MSEK 2
07 mars 2019 07h00 HE
As part of the ongoing cooperation with MAX Burgers, Westpay has received an additional order for the next generation self service solution for restaurants. The order amounts to SEK 2 million...